First Winny cycle-female

For me, about 2 weeks I noticed increase in strength, vascularity, and just a tad bit of shoulder soreness (but not bad like some).

Wife noticed strength and some vascularity around 2 weeks, as well, but I had started with lower BF. Her strength gains were through the roof by week 4, and she was able to run it 6 weeks, before noticing some slight joint soreness, which is pretty good.

All from a good verified source on here!
Dropping back in to say I tested some Mast P, Test P, Test E, and my pharma Test C (prescribed so I used this as a control). All showed up exactly as expected on the reagent tests. So depending on the compound, Liebermann’s, Mandelin’s, Marquis, and Mecke reagents all work well for validating gear as well.

Winny should turn orange-green in Mandelin’s and yellow-brown in Liebermanns according to data from this study (although it’s sadly paywalled)

Chiong, D., Consuegra-Rodriguez, E., and Almirall, J., “The Analysis and Identification of Steroids,” Journal of Forensic Sciences , Vol. 37, No. 2, 1992, pp. 488-502
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Just some of my experience during my present Primo/Var cycle. I was doing 30min cardio 5 days a week and never saw any fat loss. I recently changed gyms and workout in the morning with too little time for cardio. 2 weeks later with no cardio, I finally lost 3lbs. IMO, cardio was causing excess Cortisol levels and causing me to retain my fat.
Being a man, this info could be completely useless.
I think there could be something to it. I might be stressing myself out way to much, which I definitely tend to do when I’m cutting. Cortisol levels for me are probably through the roof. On top of my anxiety I have 🤦 won’t hurt to try different things to see what works!
They’re reagents used for various drug/chemical testing. Commonly used for testing drugs like MDMA or cocaine though. The FDA uses them for drug identification a good bit as well. Although, there’s really a lot more than just those 4 that can be used for testing. Those 4 seem to have the most data regarding reactions with varying AAS though. Pretty cheap and readily available compounds as well, but you gotta be careful with them as they are acidic compounds with all four being part sulfuric acid.
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I realized that there the other pop tests that law enforcement uses I just didn’t recognize the names at the time. The marquis is the one im experienced with im going to stick with roidtest myself. The others also work though.
No doubt. Roidtest is a little more on the pricey side for me and a buddy has most of those reagents on hand so I went ahead and did a little testing with them a week or so ago just out of curiosity. Overall, everything in my stash turned up as it should have so I was pretty pleased. I used my TRT prescription as a control just to ensure that the reactions were as they should be. I only had one turn out wrong initially, and that’s because I tested with the wrong reagent due to not reading the label on the bottle. Haha