Do you have any more blood work tests coming up any time soon? Just curious? Are you on Flash Cialis currently? I just let 20mg Flash Cialis dissolve in my mouth. Tastes like shit but sure to have me googling vagina pictures in an hour or so. 🤣
No more hormone labs till fall. Thank god. Near “crashing” my levels to keep my script is tiresome.

To be very honest. I take flash’s “extra potency” into consideration when loading a syringe. At my age… a little boost is ok but too much doesn’t set well for me.

Heck of a problem to have…gear with extra oomf… I’ll take it all day over some of the crap being pawned off as real.

I’m hoping by flash setting the bar high that it will help the industry as a whole.
I was doing lower doses for a long time but lately I feel like having fun for awhile with higher levels. I drop it when I notice I’m feeling toxic from old man liver and kidneys. Haha 😂

Flash told me why not put extra in the products to keep people happy since the added cost is minimal and it sets his products apart from others. 👍
I don’t think he overdosed those. I know he overdoses all the testosterones and trens.
If you dissolve it under the tongue it gets in the blood stream faster and could have a higher absorption rate. All I know is I got super horny an hour later which is how Cialis always hits me unlike others, and I was looking at porn like a horny kid. Haha 😂
How often should I inject sust 250 when I start my cycle of that and Deca. I think we figured the deca at 300 twice per week. We talked about test but I don’t think I mentioned I had sust 250
Most people agree it’s best to do a 2:1 ratio of testosterone to deca to preserve good wiener function. I see no reason to take more than 300mg - 400mg of deca a week. 600mg of deca is very high and I didn’t see benefits over 300-400mg.
Testosterone at 600mg a week is plenty. I’m using 600mg testosterone curently(250mg test enan, 250mg sustanon, 100mg test prop) and 400mg nandrolone(300mg deca and 100mg NPP). I take orals preworkout and Cialis for fun. 😀