Flash masteron enanthate 200mg


Well-known member

got my pack today. @Flashlabs these products are awesome looking. box is on point. caps are super tight. put a couple drops too many in the roidtest which is why its light. but test vile D was definitely purple then turned brown like it was supposed too. extremely happy. pinned like butter.

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Thanks for testing, and sharing pics…, a Chevy would look better in the background.
Oh that’s pretty sweet, my wife’s brother is a genius with a diesel,I love watching me some rolling coal.
I just received mine too. Got Masteron as well and then got my two free tren enanthate. My two favorite products from flash. That Masteron is top notch. I stack it with his Rapid Mass product or with his EQ. i noticed stacking Masteron with high anabolic low androgen AAS like nandrolone and boldenone works much better than stacking it with high androgen products like tren. i stack it with tren and get nasty side effects. no point in stacking one androgen product with another androgen product in my opinion.
Thanks for the kind words. FYI guys. Be careful with labmax . I’ve seen some of these tests be false negatives. I will start posting up some purity tests on the raws for you guys. And i also have a few things in the works so that we can test the finished products for the correct hormone and the mg to give everyone piece of mind
So will we see some testing soon? Saw on another board they just got some big testing round done. Very impressed with results so far over there. Would love to see some testing going on over here soon.