

has anyone here actually gave follistatin a run…and how did you like it…ive only had 1 guy use it and had to stop it was so strong…(DISCLAIMER>>>…i think myostatin inhibitors are best used when you have literally hit a wall, not a plateau but a wall in ur training and you are willing to take that extra step to really push it
Never heard of it before. Would be interested in it though!
I know a few guys who use it, but these guys are 300 lbs and been juicing almost as long as I’ve been alive. If I remember correctly, they compared it to Ace 031, which I believe is also a myostatin inhibitor. I’ll ask about it some more once I see any of them again.
Yes it is likr ace…it’s the bad guy…if u wanna drop myostatin then the order would be Yk11, aceo31, and follistatin…some crazy shit
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I have done it 2x. Follistatin 344, yk11 and I did another 1mg inhibitor, I can’t remember name😞. The studies were so out there, like quantum mechanics, I lost interest and the welts were nasty at injection site. It was back when sten labs started. Like I’ve said before, its been years since I can say wow!, that works. At a certain level, you know what it feels like to be “on” and not. Follistatin suppresses fsh secretion. A site like science will give more info then any of us will want on many substances. Some peptides are involved in way too much to be used safely. Imo.