Forty year old newbie

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I’m a 40yr old male. 5’11” 195. I’ve been working out consistently for the past 5 years. Over the last year or so I have not seen very much gains and think it is finally time to take that next step. I’ve been doing my research and think an 8 week cycle of Test E would be a good starting point. Looking for any advice and direction.
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Welcome to the board.
I say 10 weeks.

What dose are you planning on running per week?
And are you going to get bloodwork before, during and after ?
Goals from the cycle you are expecting?
@Ominous I was planning on running 125ml first week. 250ml 2nd week. 375 3rd week. 500ml 4th week. And then back down to 125ml. 2 week off then start PCT. I hadn’t planned on blood work. My goals are to start to see some gains again. I was starting to lose the motivation after so long with no real gains.
I felt it was a good idea to start with a low dose to see how my body reacts since this is the first time. You think that is a good starting point @Ominous?
I’m no expert by any means. But I know that you want to have stable blood throughout the cycle. I personally would do 10-12 weeks and do 500mg per week. Not tapering up then down. 250mg on Monday and Thursday.
Test E is going to take about to the third week before I would start feeling it.
Bloodwork and have an AI on hand before starting. And have your PCT before starting just my .02
I think 500mg/wk is a good start. I would also highly recommend bloodwork, just so you know where you stand. It won’t hurt to have an ai on hand, but if your going to pct, I wouldn’t use it unless you need it. Check out pct protocol for sure. Also you gonna need to make sure you understand your nutrition as @John said, because your macro needs change once you introduce test. Your gonna need more calories and more protein specifically. Welcome to the forum brother, we’re glad to have you, there’s great reading throughout the forum to help get you ready.
If you want to make big gains in mass you’ll need to be eating 200% of your maintenance calories as a start. Cut or add front there after a couple weeks. Dont taper your test dosage. Just use 400 - 500/week for 10-12 weeks. Look up PCT on here and make sure you have what you need. Also have some AI in case you need it. Welcome to the board.
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I would recommend using arimidex for your first couple cycles. Adex will allow you to effectively drop your estrogen levels, but will allow e2 levels to rebound quickly if too much is administered. Crashed estrogen sucks dicks! But don’t necessarily plan on having to use ai on 500mg/wk. I wouldn’t personally need any kind ai on that cycle. But it doesn’t hurt to have it.
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