Frequency of pinning


I hear a lot about more frequent pinning gives better blood stability. So my question is if you were going to pin say 4x a week witch would you think be better to do m,w,f,sun or m,w,t,sat ? Would this be more trail and error of the users part or has anyone done this before ?
M w f s sometimes I just get drained and exhausted & run out of places to pin so I get inconsistent but usually that’s my protocol. Especially pinning fast esters you can keep your levels steady by frequent pinning
I personally have never went by a calendar 7 day week. I have almost always went by number of days. Every 3 days…every 4 days etc. I used to sit down and take 5 minutes and mark off a year. Of course now with the fancy phones it’s even easier.

Thats what works for me.
I’m currently doing Mwf but I also on the days I don’t work and have heavy compound do pwo inject. I think if was to go to more than 3 I would just do Ed I don’t mind being a pin cushion this new into the game though
Thanks for your inputs guys ! Just wanted to see what everyone else’s thoughts were . pretty equal across the board . I’ve always done mwf as well just wants to get some more inputs might try the 4x but not for certain . Monday the fun begins !
Yeah brother ya gotta do what’s right/convenient/easy for you. Everyone is different. I’m such a lazy ass…I can’t wait for the twice a year injection of test! Hahaha
@Dirtnasty lol

Hahaha your like me a paper guy. I fucking hate phone stuff. Maybe cause I am stubborn and don’t like change. Honestly the phone would be an excellent choice but I just hate it