SB Labs

General Update…Sorry been MIA for a Bit

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Hope all is going well with all of you. As the title mentions been much more inactive than usual. Much of the typical things, family, work, etc. (yeah excuses excuses), but hoping to get back to regularly reading and participating.

All is well with me and garage gym is still going strong. Haven’t really added anything recently aside for a wooden plyobox for box squats and weighted step ups. Son uses it frequently more explosive jumps mainly for sport conditioning in HS. Been a bit under weather the past week but finally am feeling human again.

Miss chatting with you all particularly @Poppy , @Dirtnasty , @John , and many others (sorry if not included on my short shout out). This is a great community and love hearing updates from all from training suggestions, logs, to of course the daily diet updates that includes overall plans for training that day. Also quick shoutout to @Ldog as he is a great ambassador for imo best sponsor on here, GC.

Hope you all are having a great afternoon.

One thing I’ll likely share tomorrow in the diet update is a new modified homemade version of what Overnight Oats makes from searching copycat recipes online where I merged a few together. Had a subscription with Overnight Oats for a month to see what it was all about and all flavors were great but by far my favorite is the cinnamon apple flavor (also is a bit expensive compared to just making it yourself). So easy to make night before and just shake it up in morning and you are good to go!
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