Getting Injuries Is Inevitable


Staff member
I read an article or it might have been a podcast by Dave Tate a long time ago. He made a statement (paraphrasing) that competing in any (physical) sport at a high level will yield injuries…no way around it.

I’ve often thought about this and believe it to be true BUT… always a but… I also believe that those that train/active folks in general will experience injuries also. Now I’m not talking about the average citizen that has a non-physical job and walks once a day. Good on them for being at least ambulatory on a daily basis. I’m speaking of those that push their bodies to be the best that they possibly can without crossing that line to competing, more on that later. There’s probably more folks that are just challenging theirselves personally than there are actual competitors (at any level). I’m of the opinion that the personal challenge creates a lot of drive to always be better. It can be in 1 month…6 months…a year or just overall health/well being…great quarterly labs. It can be a body recomp quest.

There are those that start out with short and long term goals with the greatest intentions but get an injury and completely shut it down never to return or return much later, basically starting over.

There are those that start like above but get injured, assess it, go to the doc if needed and charlie mike (continue mission), working around the injury to make progress or at least maintain until the injury is healed.

I also think that those that compete at any level will probably get injured a little more often/severe due to the fact that they’re focused not only on besting theirselves but beating a competitor. That’s a general statement and excludes the BB’s and PL’s that are not going for a win but to just prove something to theirselves…which is admirable also.

I had a mentor a long time ago, when I was balls out training, explain to me that getting hurt could jeopardize my income and subsequently my family; beings my lifting was just a hobby and generated zero income. That made sense to me and I did throttle back a bit. I still ended up getting injuries here and there. My point being is most of us here on UGM are far from pedestrian “fitness” folks and are extremely active in and out of the gym but not professional athletes making a living off of our bodies. We’re the “tween” with some very close to professional grade athletes…I’m thinking most all of us have been injured in one way or another in the past 12 months.

It’s how a person deals with injuries, assessment of what happened leading up to the injury and the subsequent steps to heal and prevent it from happening again.

Just my Sunday am thoughts over coffee.
The road is different for us all, some jump off it for awhile, some forge a path around, while others continue down it one struggling step at a time….but in the end it’s Our road as lonely as it can be sometimes. We have cut the thatch and beaten it flat with our steps, it belongs to us.
I injured wrist in sleep the other day haha but it was fine after two days rest now I burst stye in eye. Both due to sleeping