Good article. Your thoughts?

He definitely has a point. Society has gone so soft lately, it’s ridiculous.

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I’m old school. And I will always be a man. Open doors, treat women with respect. Be a protector. My o’lady digs it and loves being treated like a lady and special. Some of these little snot noses ever get treated right. They will like it. My boys do the same. Fuck PC and the universities teaching this asexual dickless world.
Well I liked it and it’s true, and I let my wife read it and she agrees, and my daughter is being raised to not be a pussy either, I also have few friends and only am close with my immediate family, but my point is, nobody that is in my life is a pussy.also they raise there kids like me, the right way, not afraid to express love when needed to the kids, but not afraid to rule with a iron fist, there’s a lot of things i can say on this topic but you get my point.
I hear ya. I got 4 boys and a daughter. Two of them in the Corps. My kids are all old school. And don’t take shit from no one. One of my favorite stories was my youngest had a older kid pick on him. Typical bully. He asked me to talk to his dad. I said. All that will do is make him fuck with you more. I said tomorrow when you see him and he walks up to you kick him square in the balls. As hard as you can. When he goes down and he will. Tell him not to fuck with you. And before you leave kick him in the balls again and tell him that’s a reminder. My boy did it. Guess who’s dad came to talk to me. I told him let me introduce you to my son. The dad goes that’s your boy? I said yep. He said I get it by why did he kick him again. I told him that one was for you since you raised a little prick. 😂. No one messed with my little guy. He was the hero for the year at school. That kid he kicked? Grew up to be a good kid. Was always respectful after that. That little boy is now in the Marines with his older brother.
whenever I hear someone talk about ‘the demise of men’ unironically my pupils involuntarily roll back into my head. this tyler durden logic is old.
I’m not following either. As in the article is FUBAR or dislikes the comments. Or the generalization. I guess it’s thinks the article is full of shit?
Sooo you hate the article and think it’s bullshit or hate the mindset of the people in the article? Asking for a friend… 😂