Soooooo what’s for dinner? Courtesy of @Poppy shrimp pic,I couldn’t stop thinkin about shrimp scampi, so I’m ordering dinner,havent ordered out in a bit, so I’m ordering shrimp scampi,over angel hair,french fries,no salt just pepper, and a salad.Despite this morning comment about doin pecs, I did traps this morning, and just got done doin them again, still sticking to my 2 a days, workin the same body part both times.I also still havent taken a day off since the 25th I believe,I feel good,workin on my meds, Iast night was my best night asleep in months, I still woke up a decent amount,but didn’t lay awake after each time, and actually slept til the alarm went off, which hasn’t happened in a long time.