That’s such a shame. It’s probably also in part because for example. Here we have a good amount of “grass roots guys”. Not like us. They have no military experience, not that you need it but most guys with are a bit wiser with guns, and are hyped up by social media and local militia type groups and movies. They are trigger happy mofos who cannot wait for the opportunity to “defend “ their property and look for opportunities to shoot someone. Back in 2011 we changed our laws to some kind of castle law and we had a kid loose his life cause they were having a garage party and he was drunk and went to the wrong house and was on this guys porch. The guy came out and filled him with lead. Kid died on the spot. We have a guy at church who likes to wear his gun on his hip so everyone can feel it. In church!!! He a big fat bearded wannabe. I said if someone decides to come into the church and do a shooting he’d be the first target. Don’t get me wrong I agree with the laws of being able to defend yourself but we have these stupid trigger happy mofos that make guys like us look bad and hence we get labeled. There was another guy around here that when the gun laws changed for the better he would go into stores like target and wear a shogun around his shoulder. He had on a body cam and would record confrontations with police after the manager would call them. He would have conversations with them about the laws and embarrass them then post it on social media. These are the guys who make good gun laws look bad.