Gyno on cycle

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Well-known member
Running 500mg test, 400mg tren, 50mg dbol. Gyno starting to build up while on .5adex 2x a week and .5 caber 2x a week. Pretty sure my adex is real but highly questioning the caber. EDIT POPPY reasonably fast? Or any recommendations on anything else to take? Thanks.
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Drop the test down 100mg, tren 100mg, drop dball altogether it’s crap! Up your Ai to 3x per week.
GET LABS. If adex doesn’t work well for you which is common try letrizole.
Little harm in adding .5 more Ai while awaiting labs. Wasn’t sure if this was his first cycle. If so those numbers are very high and why dball???
Brother. You’re on a lot of hardcore juice by anyone’s standards.

You’ve got two highly educated folks up top advising you….along with many that tried in your original post.

You see lots of folks telling you to drop the dbol. I agree with that. I haven’t touched it in decades. Some like it some don’t but it’s for the advanced folks only.

Tren… lots of folks mess with it, also, is for advanced users only. There’s a bunch that won’t touch it again or never have. I’ve never touched it. It scares me and I know it works but, me personally, it just scares me. It’s a big boy compound.

My 2 cents worth…worth just that…two old pennies.
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It can be used “safely “ lol when done properly with proper monitoring. It 400mg out of the gate? Wow!
As stated by the others. Get Bloodwork done.
It should have been done before starting AAS.

Before- to know what your “normal” levels are.

During- I like 4th or 5th week. Two days after injection to see if an AI is needed and also to see if the gear is doing what it should be.

After- after PCT is over to make sure you are back to the before bloodwork they should be extremely close to each other.

It’s the only way to know how YOUR body is reacting to what you do to it.
EVERYONE reacts differently.

And what you’re running Some need no AI, some need .5 once a week and some need 1. Twice a week.

Keep us informed. We are here to help with advice on doing it correctly and you can’t change what is done so let us help from here on out if you want.
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Looking over his profile, maybe not his first cycle. But he asked about gyno on different doses (500 tren/750 test) and then just stopped responding. Soooooo I’m out. Hands washed.
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