SB Labs

Happy Birthday August Brothers

No nothing as of yet. Just saw cancer doc yesterday and all my numbers appear to be stable so that’s good. Going for bone marrow test next month so hopefully that’s good.
I’ll take it! I’ve already told myself I will not let’s this get me. 2 other dudes at work are farther along than me, this is a work related cancer . I’ve never quite anything in life so I’m planning on fighting , that said I told my wife if I get to be a burden on the fam I’ll be eating a bullet. Not having my family see me shrivel up and die
Unfortunately as Jon can attest to the govt does ZERO to help. Waiting for this to get approved by comp then spoke to a lawyer about possibly suing. I want my pay 100% tax free, medical and enough money so I don’t have to worry about working for however long I have left. Hopefully it’s quit a while.
Now that you mention the auto immune, I wonder if my GI issues are related?
It certainly could be. I’m not familiar with MGUS in depth but I believe auto immune issues can be one of the early symptoms of it in general. I would def bring it up to your doc. If it’s even closely related… fucking throw it in the law suit and and get more money. In todays world, work related cancers/illness is inexcusable.
Yeah it’s well documented how dangerous the chemicals our gear and uniforms are treated with so negligence is what I was thinking.
Gotta find the right attorneys. The one I wanted to use is actually representing the Union . They are suing DuPont themselves.
This is what everyone tells me…its a lotta fucking work to get whats owed to you despite serving in some way shape or form,its extremely frustrating you gotta be willing to play their game to…