SB Labs

Happy New Year’s

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Staff member
Military Vet
I hope everyone had a great 2023 and is planning on a great 2024.

For me it’s just a marker in time. Nothing new today than there was yesterday except I’ll write the date wrong for a couple of weeks.

I know some folks put a lot of credence in the new year and that’s good… whatever it takes to make yourself feel better about life and what it has in store for you in the coming months.

I usually take a minute to figure out what went right/wrong/sideways and what I can do to better myself and make a better life for my friends and loved ones.
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Happy New Year everyone. I’m the same. I do some self reflection and try to improve on the year before. As far as resolutions go 🤷‍♂️ but I am hoping to improve my stretching and mobility routine and by improve I mean actually start one 😂
Happy new year UGM. I’m not big on new year resolutions either. I think I do them weekly 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Gyms around here have been packed already this whole year. More than usual. I imagine they are gonna be a zoo the next few weeks.
Mine is getting off the meds…and look fellas im already starting off the new years with a path of destruction…
Sooooo uhh i was dancing,with my womans,son’s,girlfriend,to Wu Tang Clan,and the mug was in my hand,well as i moved my arm,the fuckin mug detached from the handle,smashed into the microwave,and the handle stayed in my hand. It was so weird,and comical,i didnt even get mad.i was also eating 🍄🍄🍄
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