SB Labs

Have been lurking for a month or two - curious about TRT

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Alright got my lab results in:

TESTOSTERONE 409.63 ng/dL 200.00 - 950.00
FSH 0.88 mIU/mL 1.00 - 8.00
LUTEINIZING HORMONE (ser 2.64 mIU/mL 2.00 - 12.00
PROLACTIN 6.56 ng/mL 3.46 - 19.40
FERRITIN 211 ng/mL 16 - 294

Have done 3 testosterone tests now. Had 368, 364, and 409. How do these results look? And of course didn’t see estro on there despite asking for it.
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Not terrible.

But very low for your age. My best friend is 51 and completely natural and his is about what yours is.
Probably high enough they would t put you on trt at your age. I may have missed it buts what’s your diet look like
My doctor probably not, I still qualify for a TRT clinic though. I am currently eating 1800 calories a day on a cut. Breakfast is an egg sandwich, lunch is chicken breast, brown rice, and any veggie, and dinner I pack a meat sandwich to work with a yogurt and cheese. That is a daily thing with the only thing changing is rotating the lunch carb and the vegetable. About 140g carbs, 70g fat, 140g protein
I know it can be a little lower on a cut which is why I do refeed days as well and to protect my metabolism. I’m just unsure if a 500-calorie deficit could significantly impact levels enough to where I qualify for TRT at the age of 28. Also, wouldn’t explain the low levels throughout my teens and also adolescence. My doctor said that T levels are like sleep, everybody runs genetically on a different amount. “You can run just fine on 368 whereas someone else would exhibit low testosterone signs, we are all different.”
That is true test levels isn’t the end all be All. There are pro athletes that probably have similar levels
I would still encourage you to get your estrogen tested. You need a baseline.

Also I think hCG would do you well. I would add a low dose of test on top of that after you got bloods done, potentially, if you still don’t have symptom resolution.
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Chad Aiches was a world class powerlifter with extremely low testosterone… he ended up on hrt with just enough T to bring him to normal “mid” levels.

There’s an interview floating around (elitefts I believe) where he explains it.
My doctor put me on TRT about 15 years ago or so. I self inject at home. I get 3 months at a time. I got really good insurance so out of pocket for me is 30 dollars for the 3 months. I get 12 one ml 200mg per ml testC. My blood work is done currently at every 3 months because my levels are consistently 750-800 which for me is prefect. I’m 59. Still swinging the steel and bangin the split tail 3 times a week. If the wife is on vacation then it’s pretty much as often as she will let me. 🤣. Now when I first started, doc had me come in every month, then progressed to every 3 months or prescription renewal. I’m assuming that’s to cover her ass 🤣. I have a very open relationship with my Doc. She knows my past and my cycles. But I’ve pretty much stopped blast cruise due to age. About a year or two ago I decided it was too much for my body and I was really feeling sides (BP, joints and swelling from water). I just lift more consistently for medium reps and mid range weights for me. I’m consistently at 255 and probably 16% BF. at 6’3”. My body fat is a little higher now cuz I eat what I want. 🤣. No more macros. Just healthy portions and weekends I cheat. 😃. Pizza. Dinner out with the wife. Wine, cocktails. But Monday -Friday no booze. No pizza. Lots of lean steak, chicken and Rice. My days of 405 bench are done. I’ll press those 120s every now and then, but not as often. Heavy squats, DL, done. Just midrange weights now. It was tough at first, but I feel a lot better and less Aleve. 🤣. Now its about longevity and looking healthy at my age. The few people I do talk to at the gym are impressed with a old fuck like me. 🤣. Anyways. Long story, but if you got good insurance, find a doc who will understand your goals and help you. It’s become more common now for TRT and a good doc will help for sure. 😃 Now. Do I still visit sponsors? I sure do! I want to make sure when someone asks I can be confident in the product. Plus buy things like to have on hand (HCG, Cialis. Etc.)
Got another blood draw at a TRT clinic today which will include estrogen. The results will be in on Monday. My PCP rejected referring me to an endocrinologist after my last blood draw as everything is “within normal range.” Monday will be decision time. Do I not go on TRT and just remain low until a few more years or so down the line where I probably will have to start it up anyways, or do I start TRT and begin the journey. They run you at 150 test cyp once a week.
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