SB Labs

Bulko Labs New Injects


Bulk Tablets Rep - 500 lb Bench 700 lb squat club.
Well I just finished first vial of their test e 250 and without bloods to back hard to find time to get them with work currently it feels spot on and no pip. I know I never get pip but it injects pretty easily and I feel confident saying it would be smooth for others. Bonus products cialis and dmaa. Cialis works as advertised in bedroom haven’t used for pump in gym yet. The dmaa I used yesterday made starting work at 4 am a breeze I only used 25 mg and it there was no jitters just felt really alert and awake. I think I’m going to up dose and try 50mg Friday pwo when I’m not worried about sleep being affected as much. I’m kind of burnt out from other stimulant use this past month so I recommend starting at 25 and assessing yourself as my tolerance to uppers could have made it a little lite mild
Ok second time taking the dmaa. Im on 4 hours of sleep and feeling pretty good going to pop another at around 10 or so to make it through second half of the day. I haven’t noticed any appetite suppression with it at this dose if your worried about using a stimulant pwo then not wanting to eat