SB Labs

Here it is, diets and training time

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Oats n whites n cheese sticks n whites n granola

Training upper in a bit
Breakfast of champions, eggs, egg whites, tortillas, sausages. Meal 2, oven roasted Turkey on sour dough with habanero Jack cheese, tomato and pickle, meal 3 black Forrest ham on sour dough with habanero Jack, tomatoes and pickles
Every morning I been seeing a nice six pointer on the side of my yard,I know where he comes out of,and I know where he leaves thru,I know who owns the land it’s a big company,real tempted to set up a blind back there,not a real one, but a homemade,although it probably don’t mattet,matter, know what it is when you see it, and it just so happens I know every inch of the land,my dad n I use to have permission to hunt it when it was someone else’s land.
I still need more practice with the compound so I’m just gonna take the crossbow.
I’ve got a big buck that I’ve never seen his entire rack. He always seems to walk right up against my cameras. I’ve got partial pictures of his rack. He’s pretty slick. Seems to mostly move at night near me. He’s moving near me between 3-4 am.
Well he might hold that pattern but when rut hits he’s gonna act stupid,so hopefully you’ll get him then
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