Hey all! New member incoming

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Hey guys and gals, I’ve lurked for a bit so I figured it was time to create an account. I just turned 30 years old and having been tightening the screw on my fitness journey over the last few years. Figured I’d start asking more questions and utilize the resources here to take me to the next level. My goals include gaining more explosive power and leaning out a bit. Currently a rugby and hockey player measuring in at 5’11" and 185lbs.
Thanks for having me!
Hey welcome. Sounds like we have similar backgrounds and goals. My nutrition was the biggest limiting factor i found out as my age went up and amount of sports type activities went down regarding leaning out. Never was a steady state cardio guy something I’ve had to work on but it does save the body and was told best for recovery purposes.

What is your approach to the explosive power goals?
Hey Arkov,

Thanks for the welcome! I definitely could fine tune the nutrition and that’s top of the list to start. I am the same way with the lack of steady cardio and it’s not beneficial for my goals.

Squats, plate jumps and box jumps to help the lower end. Would love to find a few more exercises to help the transition speed on the rugby pitch. (Tackle to ruck etc)
Lets see only thing that comes to mind that you may or may not be doing would stabilizer work for the ham/glute tie ins. Two that helped me were after doing pullups with band assist, Ill do sets of sweeps for each leg working on bent extension then retract and touch my toe to the platform im standing on. See alot of instability in ppl when having them perform this.

Other would be weighted step ups with barbell or the short straight preloaded barbell works better. I like to lock my shoulders back and wedge my forearms behind the bar against the plates similar to a slave yoke setup then step up using little momentum solid pause/contraction with knee raised and squeezing opposite glute. Not trying to run heavy just enough to make you have to focus on the movement or you fall. 10-15 rep range I like depending on how I feel.

Also I’m a huge fan of hang cleans! Super overlooked and undervalued movement
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