Hey! Long time no see, looking for a guide? Maybe?

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Wow, okay great to know, thank you for that. This would be my first cycle so I’m trying to learn everything I can before committing
If this is your first cycle and your 20 you don’t need a big bulk concentrate on your diet and training. Maybe use testosterone one day when you hit a platue but I don’t believe that you should do anything I said before I spoke without the knowledge of this being your first cycle plus 20 brother slow down you have plenty of time.
No nor19 compounds for along time
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This is the place to be if you’re looking to learn. Hang around for a bit before jumping in. Ask questions. Plan everything out ahead of time. If you do decide to do your first cycle test cypionate or enanthate 250mg 2x per week with a ai on hand like arimidex or aromasin and all your pct protocol in hand BEFORE you start the cycle and you should be golden
No doubt brother were here to help but were also really big on Harm Reduction so I will help with diet and training and even a cycle plan of testosterone over alot of time that just shows your dedicated.
I hope that you stick around you can learn alot here I learn new things all the time honestly
Brother. I’ve said this before and mean it… I would chop a pinky off to have your metabolism and natural test levels now.

You’re at the top of your game dude. Eat eat eat train train train use your head brother and tap into your natural abilities. They’re there, you just got to find them and capitalize on them.
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