I’m 35, 5’11, 230 lbs. I look best around 190, so I’m currently eating and training to drop body fat. I’ve been reading around the forums a bit and have really been enjoying this place. I’m a firefighter and have gotten back into lifting for the past 2 years. I do BJJ several times a week, depending on how my shifts run. I’m dealing with some nagging shoulder injuries which have killed my ability to barbell benchpress, but theyve also been quite the education in rehabilitation and the importance and function of warm up sets! On a separate note, several days ago I partially amputated my pinkie finger at work and had surgery to repair, so it sucks not being able to do much till the pins come out. Cycle history: 14 or so years ago I ran several different combos. M1t, pheraplex, s drol (never stacked orals btw, phera was oral only and it was meh imo), with the best being a 12 week run of test e 400 wk, tren e 300 wk, superdrol 10mg a day for the first 3 weeks. The only time gyno showed up was with superdrol. That last one really shifted my physique to comic book proportions, lol. Since then, I’ve been training on and off, naturally, for a decade, but repairing some of these nagging injuries is what led me to delve back into the world of pharmaceutical enhancement. So, that’s my rambling intro. Glad to be here!