Hi ladys and gents..... i have a question for AAS for women


Well-known member
Hi there everyone. I know a few things about cycles and compound stacking and PCT, but I’m here for my girlfriend. She has been very interested in joining our world of AAS. I’m here for more knowledge so please anything will be helpful. I’ve been reading a ton online on posts, but i’m trying to find out what AAS is more suitable for women for stacks so my girlfriend can lose weight. I myself would like to know what stack compounds are most effective for women when trying to lose fat in a four month period. If any of our sponsors/reps/mods/anyone who’s wives or girlfriend currently stacking or the experienced user who has knowledge for the types of results to be expected, the effects, good and bad, any tips or tricks to kick start her journey I would appreciate any and all advice or info. To give you a little insight she’s 5’9, 153 lbs and wears size 7 pants. Her goal is 132 lbs and size 2 in a 4 month period.
Anavar would be the best anabolic like 5-10mg only, and I would roidtest it. Dont want a wife with a low voice. LOL. Cardarine is good for weight loss, albuetrol could be be used I dislike clen because it is active for far too long and damages the heart much more than the shorter acting albuetrol. GH and peptides could be used if she wants to inject. Metformin is useful for weightloss also by increasing insulin sensitity.

And of course a good diet with some carbs in it women get crabby without them atleast mine do. HAHA. Also weights, and cardio. Some other anabolics could be used but most are more virilizing than anavar. Also sarms could be used but you cannot roidtest them so they are risky to use as they are commonly prohormones or dbol.

Best of luck to your wifes weight loss journey.
If all she wants to do is lose weight no aas is going. To do that diet will now if she is wanting to preserve muscle while
Dropping weight then yeah they will help.
Yeah I agree with these guys once she gets her diet dialed in she could potentially use anavar, Clen and hgh to assist in her achieving her goals. I’d be cautious with Clen and definitely research, I know nothing about using them for women but I know the use them for those purposes.
Former girlfriend used Clen for competition but she didn’t sleep for days it seemed like. Stims are tough. Realistically cardio and good old fashion calorie restriction. That’s what I’m doing and it blows. But works.
Honestly… get her to be realistic about her goals. She can do that in 4 months. Sure. Will it be healthy? Sustainable? Reasonable? Probably not.

All these guys nailed it. Diet is the key. As always.

Gear affects women drastically different. I can tell you all I know and it may be 100% different for her.

Anavar- start as low as possible. Increase as little as possible. 2.5-15-20mg a day.

Primo ace tabs- 5-25. Same. Low as possible.

Get some aldactone, if she’s gonna use gear this is a life saver for her voice and stopping permanent changes. Once her voice cracks etc stop all gear immediately
5-7 days of 50mg of aldactone will drop all those androgens out of her system.

In reality- she doesn’t need gear. She needs to be strict in her diet and cardio.

You can always go get her test levels checked and see where she stands.
Anavar and HGH with some T3 would do wonders assuming she sticks to small frequent meals of primarily fish, chicken breast, turkey breast and vegetables. DO NOT give her Primobolan. I see all these coaches on forums recommend Primobolan for women. It’s a DHT derivative, and every woman I know who uses it has a voice like a tranny, including my ex. Stick to anavar. It’s specifically made for use in women and children. It’s known to burn abdominal fat in studies.
Diet is key. You girl just eat small, clean meals or forget it.
She started some clen i got from a sponsor on here its a liquid droper @200mcg A ML she ran it for 3weeks didnt loose any weight and the doses she took for a women got at a high wich i took it from her cause i didnt like how it was effecting her. Affter not taken it for 1 whole day she layed in bed sleeping whole day and hot an cold shakeing as if she was detoxing off herion or something so i took that shit away from her.

But i had grabbed her some anavar and she has been doing 10mg a day and i havent notice any difference in how she got on clen so we will see how it goes. It is hard for her to workout hard like the rest of most of us cause she has a very bad si joint wich swells at times for no reason

Anyways thank you everyone for your information very much appreciated
If she was on that much clen and isn’t seeing changes with var. her diet is most likely not correct.

What we say over and over again- gear isn’t a magic fix, it’s 10x more true for women. If her diet and training isn’t right, nothing is going to magically help.
she eats great her workout routine is shit cause her SI JOINT but i took clen away cause the effects she was getting but the anavar is working if she was in better physical health she be melting fat off but her diet is good not to extreme like a vegan most is chicken an turkey veggies and some friuts and oats eggs maybe a begal here and there or a cheat of unhealthy food when we get lazy with wanting to cook and clean after lmfao
If she can’t work out then she just has to eat less it’s that simple if she can’t work out I’m not sure I would even really use an aas cause you get the health risk
Without benefits
I hate clenbuterol in the effective doses and the rebound is horrible. I always did it 2 days on 1 or 2 off. The days on were training and the lower carb days of a carb cycle diet. 200mcg is a bit much. 5’9" 132 lean with muscle is a great look. I don’t know about size pants😵. If it’s a shortcut or one time thing then everyone advice is good here. I’ve seen women remain “feminine” with no side effects doing 10mg anavar with 50mg of Durabolin or primo ace tabs with the same amount of winstrol inj. I really like the short bursts for everyone but especially women. If they keep training and eating right, they seem to keep the muscle. I don’t like the real muscular look but getting tighter and the muscle will continue to help with the nutrient partitioning. I never recommend drugs to get to a “normal physique” I see and hear guys and gals taking different things just to get a regular look.