Hope you boys have a great weekend

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Pinnacle training and nutrition/MOD
Staff member
Remember, the same boiling water that softens the potato, hardens the egg. It’s all about what you are made of ,not the circumstances

Find the Silver lining everywhere you can. Sometimes it is difficult and you’ll be searching and searching but it’s almost always there. If you get stuck amd can’t find it, reach out, I’ll help.
I’ve never ran into one,and I’d rather run into a bear,which I do all the time,their more predictable.
The state record eastern diamond back was caught just a mile or so away from us. It was a whopper. There’s been so much development here lately I’m thinking they’re pushed way out in the woods these days.
I’m experiencing anxiety right now,I forget which thread i mentioned it in,but I’m takin my sister shooting she just got a 9mil,hasnt shot it yet,I’m only bringing my 12ga, playin around with small games rounds,my kid will throw one of her softballs up in air in front of me, and I will send it pretty far into the woods if I hit it center
My adrenaline will be flowing, and then riding the quad I’ll be all pumped the fuck up

Yessir. Better than last couple days. Very tired. Wanna do legs today but gonna need some serious motivation and this huge breakfast ain’t gonna help lol.

How are you @Poppy
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