HOW DO YOU RECOVERY IN TRAINING AFTER ILLNESS? Share your experience in the comments)

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Hello friends! Only recently I started blogging and unfortunately disappeared for a few days, this is all due to the fact that I got very sick … After an illness, as you know, it is usually difficult to go to training, well, I am no exception in this … for me it really was that something difficult and I completely relaxed … I started today with light exercises, something that gave me an impetus in today’s endeavors. It is important to remember that recovery after an illness can take a different time depending on the severity of the disease. I didn’t overdo the exercises, because I understand that my body is still quite weak and I don’t want to get sick again, because this can happen. But I’m proud that I don’t quit training even if I’m not in the mood, I’ll do a light workout better than just not going to the gym, doing something better than nothing. do you agree with my opinion? Maybe I’m wrong about something or you act differently?
I’m about like you. I ease back into it. Usually fluff n buff movements to lube up joints and pump blood into the muscles.

Then again I’m a lazy old man so it doesn’t hurt my feelings to skip the gym.
One of my best workouts back at golds was when my workout partner and myself both had the flu. We were chugging dayquil on the bench and trying to push our personal records. I never had another workout partner as good as he was. Never let me get by with any excuses to avoid a workout lol.

Nowadays I’m lazy and will take time off to ease into it. But I miss having a good friend to always push me and never let me down. He had a copy of the key to my house and I lived a street over. There was never any slacking or excuses. He would stop by whenever and let himself in to check on things if I didn’t show or gave an excuse.
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I’ve recently have been dealing with post surgery issues. I actually canceled my gym membership just for the reason that I know myself and I don’t want to go in and have a set back . My body is weak and I can feel it. Sometimes a good break is needed ! Muscle memory will be there when we come back ! Best of luck
I’m with you on that. Light weight lifting while ill always makes me feel better afterwards, and cardio too. They get the body temperature elevated which helps kill the virus and bacteria. Plus, you get the endorphins from training which helps kill the pain you’re feeling, and you feel proud of yourself afterwards. 👍
Fortunately I don’t get sick. But if I did I’d do what I could just getting back and not push it too much at first. Glad you’re better and back to training
I very rarely get sick as well, when I do I usually train through it, but adjust as to not break myself down too much to kill my immune system.
I’d just listen to my body. Push it until it tells you to slow down. BTW. Your English is incredible. Did you study in the states. Or major in English?
Nandrolone is used for healing physical injuries cuase it will lessen immune response not make it better
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