SB Labs

How im finishing out my productive weekend

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I ment to say that to, pretty sure I’ve never even heard of it before, will check later on Netflix or Amazon with the woman, thanks @Tack
It’s the best documentary about the future I’ve ever seen. It was hilarious when it came out in the 2000’s now it’s scary with how accurate the portrayal of the future. Made by like judge the guy who did beach’s and butthead
Ha ha I like beavis n butthead, well we will see,I will report back tomorrow
Yes, we put in Roma tomatoes, strictly used to make sauce and can em, green beans, cucumbers mostly to turn into pickles,cherry tomatoes, beef steak tomatoes,zucchini, sweet corn,onions,peppers, about half are from seed, other half was stuff that was small,but started already, also planted sunflowers In 5 gallon buckets on my deck
Yes,its a lotta work once all is said and done,but not really expensive, we spent exactly 200 on everything we needed, but it’s something I take pride in,and it’s a family thing we do together.
Yes it is, and let’s hope I’m still in this house long enough to reap the rewards, were putting a bid on all 3 houses we went and seen yesterday… and I’ll be damned if the back yard of one of the houses connects to a Nature Preserve, which very few people can hunt, and I’m one of em…
If you get in your new place soon enough, you’ll have time for a new garden.
John said:
and I’ll be damned if the back yard of one of the houses connects to a Nature Preserve,
That would be sweet if you can get that place! Those types of property are hard to come by. Plus your dinner will probably come by and check out your garden!
That’s true, but odds are I will be to lazy to do it again till next year
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