SB Labs

How is a source judged


IFBB Pro -Coach - sponsored athlete
Staff member
I’m very curious how a source gets all these great reviews from certain members but yet these same sources I have other members coming to me and other staff members about crashed gear? I see this almost daily and I’m baffled by it. I know some members don’t want to publicly announce crashed gear because they say, “ this is a great source so I don’t want to say anything”. Exact words from a few members. I’m curious
PHD said:
“ this is a great source so I don’t want to say anything”.
This is a true statement that @PHD is making. I will vouch that I have heard this exact phrase from alot more than just one member.
If you don’t say anything how is anyone else supposed to know.

I would always contact the sponsor first. They will usually work it out. Simple and quick solution. Mistakes happen.

If you contact the sponsor and you hear heat it up. Ask yourself should this really be the answer

We want honest reviews
We want to know what’s really going on.
We hold our sponsors to high standards.
I think the sources have been warned enough and this is still happening. I think it’s time for action. I know things are in the works but until then I want to know how these same sources get all these great reviews. I have speculations but I’ll keep that to myself. And don’t call out a source here on this thread that’s not the intent of this post

I encourage any and all discussion but just be reminded all comments, concerns or products references about a sponsor MUST be posted in that sponsors specific category.

Please openly discuss your concerns but please do so in accordance with the forum rules.

Thank you in advance for your help.
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There is a mentality to defend people for some reason. So many boards flame members for saying something other than stupidly overblown and nonsensical reviews. Its not just steroid sources, go on Yelp and see all the “I’ve never eaten there, its always closed at odd hours. Hopefully one day it will be open when I go. 4 STARS”

Additionally, some people like to feel a connection with sources. They act like there is some personal relation ship when there is none. For example a long running IOP recently went down and the owner arrested. The guy was a complete asshole and criminal but all the people that lost $ were not just defending his actions, but continued to accept payment for as long as possible before the site was taken down and people that were ripped off were pouring out their heart about how rough it was for him and how it was a shame he got screwed by people wanting their orders… They went as far as to throw more money at him months after his last packages stopped landing cause “he was such a great guy”.
Complete insanity.

Seems reviews are all too often “some liquid in a vial came, this guy is LEGIT!” or “Took EQ for a month and didn’t make massive gains, BUNK”. Not particularly helpful.
I just said this the other day or maybe even today in a different thread when someone said “I’ll pm you”. Nahhh put that shit In The open. It’s been said no crashed gear allowed unless the member says they’re cool ahead of it. If it happens then that needs posted up for all to see.
So true. I know a con artist in Chicago are dude has ripped off so many people. He comes across as such a great guy and he’s your boy you’re family to him. He took for me $10k years ago. I never gave him money ever again. But he always got shit nobody could get so I kind of used him to get good stuff. Well after years of listening to his lies and bullshit I finally had enough and let his ass have it.

It was lying about having cancer and needing kidney transplant and telling another friend him and guy gusterino were doing seminars together. I blasted his ass. Now I have people texting me and hitting me up on social media about him owing them money and not a little I bet all together well over $100k no lie. No clue how he sleeps at night. But he posts all these sad stories how he needs kidney transplant and all these same people he owes money to are like anything you need brother lol

Oh and find out recently 100% an informant. Glad I cut ties with his sorry ass.
That last case recently was an order before I enacted the rule. It was a couple crystals and not nearly as bad as I was expecting. Were taking new measures right now and in process of changing some things soon. Majority of the sponsors have absolutely zero issues. For now I need memebers to do their research in the sponsors a category until we finish deciding on what action to take and how we will seperate this on the board.
This is exactly a good reason why we request good and bad reviews.
We want to know what is going on.
Even the sponsors want to know what is going on. It really helps everyone.

Like I said in the beginning though always contact the sponsor first. Mistakes happen and can be easily solved.
Like I said in the beginning though always contact the sponsor first. Mistakes happen and can be easily solved.

Write your review once you have all the information. We would like to always see when people receive there orders and post pictures of receiving them. This is not the time to write a review. A review should be written once the products have been used or in some cases if things didn’t go well and you have exhausted all other avenues then you can write a review about your experience without use of the products because you were unable to use them.