SB Labs

How long does customs take to process!

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You are probably gonna get a letter. Dont respond. They ask you if you have the credentials to possess AAS, then call and set up a hearing. If the don’t hear from you its “destroyed”. I cant get anything international, but I haven’t even tried. Im flagged, even when I moved. 4 letters and they were form letters and wrong on what was in the package. But, we are small fish, never know when the fuckers are having a slow day and cant stop fentanyl, so they make “the big bust” of joe’s township Maryland. the letter comes like a month later.
I’ve never received a letter but this is the second package I’ve had not make it. It still might i guess. It’s only been 3 or 4 weeks
I’m just gonna say this….
If do t care if it’s free or not if your shipping something international you need to make that know ahead of time.
Just my two cents
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