How much is too much?

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Well-known member
Hi there everyone,
I see different opinions on this topic but realistically: how much test (e) injection is too much?
I was told 500mg per week was way too much, but then I was told that actually it’s ok.

Any suggestions?
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It’s all relative to your body and how it reacts. I react extremely well to test, however when I was still competing I would use upwards of 800-1000 mg of test a week starting 15 wks out from a meet, and never went lower than 500 mg/wk from 2005ish-2016.
Don’t take this as advice, there’s a lot of variables if you’re going to do things like that. Blood work, estrogen management, etc. now a days I keep it low, and haven’t gone over 400 mg/wk since 2017 and typically stay closer to my prescribed TRT dose
500 mg is high if your on replacement therapy but 500 mg is generally what I use in all my cycles. I tolerate it well. I am not on TRT if that helps with what you’re asking.
I see nothin wrong with a simple cycle of 500 test and nothin else…its a matter of opinion/ personal preference
For me it all depends on how clean my androgen receptors are. After I took 9 1/2 months off all AAS I started with only 250mg a week of sustanon and the aggression, quick temper, and all that stuff was immense. So were the results. The longer I stayed on the higher my dose got to get the same effects/gains. All the quick temper stuff eventually subsided but the gains for me are where I like them now after 2 years straight on AAS which is 550mg of various testosterone esters every 5 days. So that’s 770mg test per week. Any more and I get no benefit from test, but I get extra benefits from other ASS I take. Keep in mind I’ve been on AAS for most of 26 years. Lately I take tbol before every workout, plus winstrol before arms, and tren base with nandrolone base before chest. I have a delt injury that’s real bad so I only workout with bands plus body weight stuff but I like the results I’m getting.
It depends on how much is to much for you brother everyone is different 500 is an average starting point some go up to a gram plus a week while others make better gains off just trt.

The compounds don’t matter unless diet and training are correct just adjust test to what feels best for you but really worry about diet and getting to your goals through that because that’s the true way to reach your goals the correct diet, training then compounds once you find your sweet spot for all nothing can stop you from achieving anything you want
I agree with Murph. It’s very specific person to person. I personally hated how I felt on 500 per week. I like 300 per well personally
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