SB Labs

How much sDrol inject

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Pinnacle training and nutrition/MOD
Staff member
Military Vet
Quick question, never used sdrol inject 40mg before. How much per pin and how often? Thank you in advance
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I’d start with 15-20. You runnin it or as pwo, ED pin if your actually running it
Was thinking eod but can do every day
You could do that of course, but I’d imagine optimal results would be a ED, but again superD is potent and toxic so maybe eod isn’t a bad idea… if you do do it eod let me know how it goes
I got some super D I look forward to using as my pre workout,it’s the inject not oral. I’m patiently waiting to run my next cycle
Ha ha, I actually, have none on hand at the moment, I say I always do though, I been abusing my body with pwo enough as it is.
Feel that just started week 2 of mtren. See how blood work goes Friday then 2 more weeks of cycle pct for a bit and on to the next one
I’m over due for a pct,I been talkin to @Raphael3636 and I think for once I’m gonna just drop down to a trt dose, only runnin test at moment anyways, it will be weird, I’m pretty strict with doin a legit pct, then a month or so off of everything, then back to it
Yeah I’m honestly only doing pct cause I have the stuff for it. It’s possible if all my bloods come back decent that still decide to drop to cruise but I’m pretty set on pct. let my androgen receptors have break
Gotta give your body a break here and there brotha, I myself am gonna cruise here shortly with a serious deload week up-front, fortunately I know myself enough to know when it’s time to take a break. Plus bulk seasons here and I’m gonna have to change up allota shit, diet, AAS, routine etc… Last winter I went up to like 240-245ish but was just sluggish all the time, I know if I really get my diet dialed in I can reach that weight, feel good, and not loose alot of my gains.
I’m just hoping to end those year around 260 and leanish. Then I can do a bulk up to 280 followed by cut back down to 260.
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