How to increase my recovery rate

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For the Vets out there, my work schedule has changed (lucky to still be employed) and now have to get my workouts in m-f. Before was able to take a rest day every 2nd or 3rd day which I felt was needed.

Been on the m-f for 2wk and dragging w-f with the sore tired body. My sleep is 9pm-430am and nutrition on point. Dont think I can squeeze any more rest and naps not an option. My question to yall vets what would be the best way to increase recover. Mid week short ester test? Increase HGH? Increase test cyp dosage and if so is there a correlation with 100mg increases? Im open to all options and opinions.

Current cycle just started 2 wk ago and goal is to stay dry and get jacked. I had to skip April due to gym closure so I front loaded May and will continue as planned.

APR; LEAN; Proviron 25mg ed; 100mg Para, HGH 2iu m-f, 200mg TRT

MAY; LEAN; Proviron 25mg ed; 100mg Para, HGH 2iu m-f, 200mg TRT

JUN; LEAN; Proviron 25mg ed; 100mg Para, HGH 2iu m-f, 200mg TRT

½ way through Jun switch to 200mg Para

JUL; LEAN; LEAN; PARA 200mg ew; Proviron 25mg ed; HGH 2iu m-f, 200mg TRT

AUG; LEAN; PARA 200mg ew; Proviron 25mg ed; HGH 2iu m-f, 200mg TRT

SEP; OFF; TRT and HGH only
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You might just need to add an extra day off from working out are you going 5 or 6 days a week in the gym right now?
yeah im forced into 5 days straight which for myself has always seem too much if I stay on that schedule. I perform better with 2 on 1 off
Is it soreness? Or just feeling run down in general?
I noticed while on cycle, it feels like I need a little more rest to recoup, your body grows when rested.
If you are feeling tired, provigil helps me with that, I have sleep apnea and was falling asleep driving, provigil has been a godsend.
Cold also helps, in the winter I go outside and stay out till I can’t take it, in just shorts, often will lay in the snow, I’ve found that it not only speeds up my metabolism, but my joints and muscles recover much faster, and I don’t feel as tired, might consider an ice bath if that’s an option for you.
I used modanifil but same shit I was a driver and I would have died on long trips if it weren’t for that compound.
5 days in row is too much . I do push day, cardio and day , pull day , cardio ab day , Leg day with one set of all push pull and day off nothing . Then repeat .
This time of year I’m cutting also so I don’t train to fail . I leave a couple reps in the tank .

Now my bulk I train to fail and cut cardio to 2x a week
No not really acute sorness. Just the systemic feeling of worked body parts combining to make that used feeling all over. I familiar with fatigue while on cycle and this is not that, plus the para has not had time to kick in yet.

I also have sleep apnea and use a cpap at night so my rest is good. Im just trying to maximize my performance and recover verse skip days and slowly lose out on working sets over a long period of time. I prefer to keep intensity as high as possible since im only cycling once per year at this point.
A massage when it’s possible once a month or more frequently really helps me.

Have you ruled out an underlying illness/infection - didn’t fully recover or are carrying a low grade something?

There might just have to be a trade off in intensity and frequency so you recover. Without recovery you aren’t getting the most of your training sessions (I know you know this) . Perhaps that mid week recovery is necessary and nothing else but rest will do it??!!
I’m not sick and I was getting bi monthly tissue work for my back from being hit by a backhoe until the quarantine.

There is nothing wrong with me other than Im anal and want to reduce recovery time due to split less training to get in what I normally would get in during a 7 day work week.

No one has mentioned anything about increases to Test or HGH which I thought would be a possible option since im doing most ancillary work all ready.
Extra testosterone or extra hgh will require more sleep to work so it would put more strain on you than actually help to be honest

The one compound that would work but I can’t find it is GHB
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I didn’t mention test/hgh because it would require more rest, I don’t know much about ghb, and other than some serious and dangerously addictive drugs I can’t think of anything that would speed up recovery, and give you the energy to keep going.
Or that shit in the original jack3d pre workout, Methylhexanamine, no matter how run down I felt, that shit always worked.
I dropped pre workouts a few years ago. From early 20’s to late 20’s I used stims as a tool to push out 24 48 hour work days intermittently. In my late 20’s early 30s I dabbled with bath salts and all the analogs as well for the same purpose. I never used preworkouts much less high stim preworkouts until early 30s and found that mdpv and dmaa were just watered down versions, a psychological crutch potentially for some people, unhealthy, and I general do not enjoy the dopamine burst anymore.
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