How to increase my recovery rate

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Good question, what im fighting is my old work schedule of 7 days on 2 days off. I would do 3 on 1 off 2 on 1 off at the gym. My rest days were for cardio/calisthenics ect… I only have 1to 1.5hr to get to gym while im at work and back which is a few miles down the road with no options/time on days off or after 12hr+ shift.

I have/am adapting my style but I found that single body parts with overlapping compound movements throughout the working days has been the best style for the look and functionality im going for. I’m still getting in some HIT at the end some days but performance is not the same after mid week.

I never stopped training during quarantine as i live on acreage and made out door stations using ropes and rings for body weight training. So i never took a huge lose on fitness or pumping the muscles.

Have not heard or looked into GHB, but sounds like a must do.
Obviously it seems like you know what you’re doing brother! My rule thumb in training has always been just listen to your body. I’ve gone several months at a time without taking a day off (for 25+ years). But obviously splitting the routines to the point where you are not “over stressing” a particular muscle group is essential. What a lot of younger guys omit from this equation is proper sleep and nutritional macros. I overheard younger 25-year-old at the gym talk about how the “only train four days a week.” The bottom line is you’re not gonna grow training four days a week…I don’t care how hard you train or chems injected. Now are there genetic freaks who can do this, yes (Dorian Yates) but he was also moving incredible amounts of weight and volume…and an exception.

If you look at the training habits of the guys of the 70s and 80s, training seven days a week sometimes two times a day was the norm…And of course they didn’t have the engineered machinery, that we have today in our gyms! Which obviously takes a lot of stress off the joints.

Good luck!
Agreed. What a dream it would be to have a year to do 2 day splits of just eating, training, and sleeping, rinse/repeat. The intensity at the gyms over the years seems to be steadily dropping and those who do put the effort typically don’t have the holistic picture and short circuit progress.

What you said about listening to the body and taking corrective action is something the vast majority of people seem to miss and probably the most important aspect of training imho.
What a life … right! There’s plenty of documentaries out there on how Arnold and Franco would go to go to Venice golds, train in the morning, eat, sleep 4 to 5 hours on the beach, eat again and then go back to the Golds in the evening… seven day per week. Smoking tons of weed and lots southern California pussy sprinkled in throughout the day too!
I’ve had good success with a 4 day split, 2.5 hours in the gym in the past. I agree that being able to train and just rest would be awesome, and would allow you to have ample recovery.
Depending on the style of lifting is also a factor, powerlifting requires more rest than a bodybuilding routine from my experience. If you are pushing yourself to absolute failure, 4 days can work.
I used to walk 12 or more miles a day, 6 days a week, for 10-12 hour days in the winter and summer, and still had great workouts, and made great progress, but it was eating constantly, making sure I slept 8-10 hours a day, and making sure my food was timed so I was giving my body what it needed when it needed it.
It maybe that pushing through and giving your body time to adapt to the new schedule is what’s needed, push through those shitty days and your body will adapt.
The human body is amazing and will adapt. I’m still killing it in the gym by anyone’s standards just want to utilize any and all tools which is why I’m on this forum.

I bet you were trim as hell with all the walking. In the 2000s I used to do variations of cardio immediately after lifting. One day might be 3 mile jog in the hills, next day quarter mile intervals and so on. I was fond also of loading up my backpack and getting dropped off miles from my home so I can relate.

I remember back then I didn’t know about proper nutrition and I didn’t eat nearly enough and was lean but wondered why I couldn’t pack on more muscle.

On the 4 day split could work your right but not so much for my style. Even with my 7 day week with 2 rest days that I did cardio followed by 2 days totally off I had to be careful of nervous system fatigue the following week.
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Big shout out to cannabis. I cut out all alcohol December and switched over to cannabis as I began my prep for summer. When I changed my diet boy did it help. With the reduced carbs and portion sizes it actually helped supress my appetite and provide comfort to keep grinding in the evenings. The sleep improved as well as general mental health spreading the love hehe
It was when I still walked mail routes so was outside constantly. Honestly it was the best I ever felt and my energy levels and ability to sustain a long period in the gym was amazing. Was a very lean 195-200, if only my knees would have held up.

Was before ever taking any AAS, would have been curious how much more I could have put on with a good cycle.

Was on a 4-day split, 5k in calories a day, 4500 calories on non gym days.
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When I was 19 I was a ptf and covered all the walking routes for 6 months. I peppered sprayed the shit outa some dogs let me tell ya
Could you tell me what you think the frequency and duration to get the best bang for the buck in my case?
So a little digging has yielded some useful information, but need more direction. So data saying chronic use will actually lower GH production but short term usage could be useful. Used as Sleep aid to reach REM at faster/prolonged rates. Depressant and relaxation/euphoria could be associated with reduced cortisol? Unknown mechanism that inlist metabolic activity as byproduct. Lots of stories about issues coming off chronic use.

Is there anyone who has a professional protocol and experience using this on here that could shed some light and focus the direction of research by weeding through the data?
I lift 3 on…off…3 on to avoid drag. Going 5 days in a row at an advanced stage isnt gonna work. 4 on…off…repeat at most. Gotta get time off. Rests, reset…

Chest back
Bis tris delts


Chest tris–tris just pump
Back bis–bis just pump
Arms…full blast, bus tris delts
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