SB Labs

I need some guidance. New guy

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This site is F@@@ dope. I do ask what if I ump on not doing HCG? Can I just run Nolv/Clo instead? … Thanks y’all. What is the importance on doing HCG? I done some research on the forum, but is to much info lol

Also can I get the rules on the site? I don’t want to violate anything. This is fucking awesome site.
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These are written rules but honestly the rule is just act like an adult and you should be fine.

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First cycle you don’t need hcg just testosterone an AI and a pct. You will also need bloodwork to show if you need to use the AI.
Yes blood work before you start. And blood work during. And then blood work after.
I am not sure on when during some other can chime in but, it is the Only way to know how your body is reacting to what you are doing to it and how it responds.
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