I wanted everyone to know


I wanted everyone to know that if you have written me in the last week and you didn’t get a response I apologise. I actually have been working crazy amount of hours and then on top of that I got the flu and the past 3 days have been horrible. If you wrote me and didn’t get a response please send it again im going to try and catch up. Also @pureraws I really apologise. They should have a src category up and running and I want everyone to know that it will be up and running soon. I want everyone to know that @pureraws is a great src and you should definitely check them out.

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Yeah in my area alot of people are sick with the flu and it was bad im on the side where I should be better tomorrow but its been a ruff couple of days.
I appreciate your feedback brother.
I hope that you are doing well remember the last post in the gains and goals is on the 31st and im looking forward to reading your post.
ok for sure. that is great news you will be well shortly… i had 2 different occasions recently of the symptpms…dont know if it was the flu trying to get me…but i was soo down for 24 hrs each time…couldnt eat…was achy and cold…but then it vanished. so it is a blessing u are recovering. yes for sure i will have my final posting up on the 31st then. thank you for the heads up 😃
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No doubt I have been following your progress closely. I believe that you have a good shot at top 3.
I will need to look at all the final posts but ive enjoyed seeing your progress and even you writing about some of your slip ups because it never goes perfect so you including things like that lets me know that its real and true and I respect that because as you know I was 60lbs+ over weight at the beginning of my journey so I can relate to your story
i am tryin and pulling out all i can on this mission to eventually get myself back hopefully as soon as next october…i know it will ne a fight especially with my deals but one worth every moment…i call this mission life or death… and be done with this obese battle once and for all. being Here is my main catalyst so to speak. everyone here is awesome to see and read posts and learn soo much for near future goals.
They missed the right strains. The influenza virus is very lethal. Mostly with compromised or elderly or infants. The big thing this year is its going to continue for months. Anyone on this board watch your temp and of course with our possible more viscous blood, dehydration can be even worse for us freaks! Keep well