I was way, way off; wrong target


Well-known member
For many years competed as a light weight bodybuilding, a few times a made it to the overall and a couple of times i was really close, one time it took long , long time for the judges to pick the overall winner …well when you are 5’4’, 155 pounds (probably about 160 on stage) is hard, very hard to beat the heavy weight or super heavy. So for so long my concern and dedication was to make it the next weigh class , middle weight , 165; which means gotta be at least 185-190 by the end of the off season. During those years i was not precisely in the right mind of an athlete, i struggled to live right. When i started cycling again, about a year and a few months ago i came back for the same target: getting heavier ( much older this time). I made a lot of mistakes pushing myself to what i am not…am just not a heavy muscle guy, like MBTJR1980…i always love that look…full and heavy; but is not me.
I spent a lot of money and had a lot of bad experience trying to put numbers on the scale, i have always been very disciplined with my eating, very clean so i thought i was doing well, i reached 189 pounds one time, shooting all kinds of stuff , amounts that were not for me, felt very uncomfortable most of time. Am very grateful for the experience though. Thanks to proper guidance and great knowledge, great advises i changed my perspective and understanding of my personal goals. I have done more and better on 200 mg test cyp a week ( TRT) than all that gear i was shooting. I feel great, my wife says i look so much better, am full of great plans and different, even higher goals.
God bless you all.
[email protected]
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As always Pastor thank you for the kind mention! I wish you nothing but the very best in all endeavors in your life. You are an amazing kind hearted soft spoken Loving caring good man! No reason to try and be a mutant if your frame wasnt meant to carry that kind of size than play to your strengths and be asthetic lean vascular symmetric. Look how beautiful Frank Zane was and he never tried to play the mass game! Be healthy and happy my brotha :facepunch:t2: