I would love it if UGM had a a/na type meeting

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Idea!!! Is it possible if we could have some type of internet based format AA/NA meeting weekly? Like Skype or some other type of net based thing. Make it mandatory to wear like a Covid type mask and baseball hat or some type hat or some type of mask like a bandana or if you wanna be creative wear a gorilla mask whatever just something to protect identity. We could talk about our week good bad or ugly. If your week was rainbows great. If it was dog shit!!! Bring it!! Just tell it like it is! Have three meeting leaders that have the ability to turn off certain individuals if they don’t follow the rules. Three because if one or two aren’t available then hopefully three is. If all three are not then meeting postponed a week. Or whatever. Just an idea.

What say you @Bigmurph
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That’s what this category is created for religious seeking advice or support from other members in tough times if you would like to organize a meeting and people post that they will participate I will create another category that is private members only by invite. I can make you the owner and you would approve the invites to allow them to participate. Atleast I believe that’s how it works if not I will just add them in as you approve.

Sound good?
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Posting all my shit and rainbows takes so long. If we could verbally say what’s up and hear emotions I honestly believe it would be so much more productive and simple. Ya just verbal we don’t have to have camera anything.
If you want to organize something outside of ugmuscle use Session get rid of wickr I believe that on Session you can make phone calls
I also really wanna promote UGM with it cause I know you all really care so I wanna share the care and affiliate it with UGM. Don’t have to answer right away take some time brother

I believe you’re heading in the right direction. BUT I believe you’d get more participation if you just posted in the support religion category every so often.

Just start the conversation and it will probably blossom. Remember when you were hitting your bumps. We all came for support.

Restart the thread every so often.

My 2c
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