I would love it if UGM had a a/na type meeting

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The foundation of nNA and AA is anonymity and it’s states were are under no surveillance at anytime and that’s not entirely possible on this platform and can be accessed by the public But I don’t think your saying to promote or expect it to be recognized by these self help groups as an official online meeting. A big part of that is step work and I think everyone can benefit from working a 12 step program. The only thing is our ability to be vulnerable and honest with each other which might be jeopardized as it’s online.

I see what your saying though I think we could do a support group/topic for members who are struggling with addiction and alcoholism but it would be limited. However in the broad spectrum of things we are a community dedicated to supporting one another in achieving our goals and living a healthy lifestyle. @Bigmurph is really the one to decide if he wants to make a members only self help group topic for people struggling with addiction and are seeking support. Also we have to keep in mind to that there is a lot of stigma about “addicts” and a lot of people don’t fully understand our struggle.I could also see how ugm may not want to be directly associated with it as it could potentially push people because of those reasons.

I’d also suggest reading the traditions on na aa. I really like you spirit and wanting to help and support one another,it’s very admirable.
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Have you looked into any meetings in your local area. I definitely need support group and a fellowship and to be in a safe place where others relate to you and place where you feel you belong. I’m telling you Rusty step work is the bread and butter of any recovery program and we should do step work with another addict.

If you Google NA AA there will be a hotline number for your area and someone in your area should be able to tell when and where the next meeting is. You seem like a guy that would benefit greatly from a self help group. You get along really well with others. Love you bro, it’s one day at a time an play the tape all the way through when your mind tells you drinking is a good idea. Fast forward to the part where you lose everything an end up getting locked up, becoming homeless, destroying our relationships with our loved ones . That’s what I do and it parks my desire to drink immediately. I’ll tell you what though in the summer an ice cold beer sounds really good but I know I get violent and destructive.

What are you struggling with brother?
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