If you're a newbie to the aas game tag me in with @Banned


Im Bigmurph ive been running gear for 16yrs I have alot of experience with alot of compounds. I really like to help guys out that are trying to decide whether its time to start running or what to run or even how to do it. If you have any questions just contact me and I will be glad to help you out.
Just reply to this post and then others can read it and it could possibly help them.
Good luck and good gains brothers
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Hey man, I really appreciate your willingness to help! This is an excellent board and the mods/admins are top notch! I’ve asked, read, and heeded a lot of advice here.
I am perplexed. I have messaged people here before, but when I click on his name there is no Message box to click. I tried clicking your name and same thing?
Sorry for the inconvenience there @disnut We had to change the PM rules because we kept getting spammers that would join just to try to get free gear, try to recruit members, try to sell gear etc. It’s for the safety of all members to ensure that no one has to deal with things like that. I’ll check your stats and may possibly change your level. I’ll get back to you.