SB Labs

Igf 1 R3 long

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Ok I’ve been asking and researching and looking and I finally bought some. (Not sure if I can say where) anyhow. After the stress and concern I did it. I will try to post here after each workout day… or as I remember to. Like @Poppy, finding my car after I am gone for an hour is a good day. And it’s usually on my garage!

I got 1mg to test out.
Want to see how well it works or if I notice anything at all.
Reconstituted with acetic acid .6% water
I understand why people don’t like to because it feels like a wasp stinging you for about 30 seconds.

Wondering if I can add equal amount of bac to it after in slin pin to tone down the sting but can’t find any definitive answers on if it can be done or should be done

Worried I was going to get painful pump.
Didn’t happen
Pinned 45 mcg. Suggest starting dose is 20-50
I ate some candy and pinned and worked out.

Have been cutting calories dramatically
BAD IDEA! All lifts were down
Chest and tri workout and I didn’t notice any great pump.

Tomorrow will go with just protein and pin and keep candy close if I get dizzy but I’m guessing that’s a 100mcg dose.

Goals are:
Find out if it helps heal the various tendon and ligament issues i have
Find out if I have any DOMS the 2 days after my workouts.
Add some new muscle tissue so when I run test again I’ll run this alongside hcg.

Read where igf 1 lr3 is supposed to help libido, increase testicle growth after shrinkage and blow me the turn into a sandwhich when I’m done.

I’ll be honest. I don’t believe it will affect testicles size.

So if interested check back and ask questions and I’ll do my best to answer.

Any of you sciencey folks want to weigh in with some real data and suggestions I’m all ears.

Any reps that sell or soonsors that sell this stuff… please tell me what kind of sandwhich to expect or what other results.
What dosage of HCG are you running with the igf-1-lr3. Also are you taking test or any other peds with it? I like a good amount of carbs with igf-1 as it helps inflate the muscle. Wish you all the best.
@squatter 9 ticks on the skin pin so 45 mcg.
I diluted with 2 ml aa.
My intent was to run it on the front end or middle of a test e run. But I can’t to urologist until March and don’t want to be elevated when i explain how i feel and then have them do labs on e3d cyxle.

How much do you run on the lr3 that the carbs make you feel anything
At my dose I’ll get only 20 days out of it.
$90 or so delivered.

If see and feel it for 20 days I’ll happily by 2 bottles for a test run.

Lots of contradictory info out there regarding this
Will def follow as it could be in my future. Also yeah deficits suck and feeling flat no pump sucks
I would hope for a big fat rueban sandwich.

Interesting experiment. Please keep us posted.
@Poppy not sure if it’s best to reply to my original post or what’s better.

First 5 days of LR3
Pain in in ulnar nerve reduced dramatically
Pain in tendon/ligaments in left arm forearm/biceps connection pain dramatically reduced when doing pull-ups. Typical first set has me holding that area with my good hand after a set due to intense pain. 3 sets and pain is only mild in comparison.

Pumps really don’t seem to be extreme. DOMS was not vastly improved but today nearly all were completely gone from the first 2 days. That’s saying something since 2 days after a workout is the worst DOMS.

Strength not noticeably changed
Not getting light headed from “hypo/hyper glycimia…

Pin pain is not an issue. It’s not pleasant but at 50mcg the pain registers about the same time the injection ends and dissipates quickly.

I’m not doing 20mcg or the max suggested of 100mcg. So I’m thinking what I’ve read is not based on standard dose but heavier doses.

I’ve had zero negative sides that I can tell.

To be honest, I don’t know if this is placebo or not.

I’ll keep updating
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This is the right spot to update. Very interesting. Are you pinning it in the vicinity of your troubled areas or just subq anywhere?

Please continue to update.
Just edited that from my poor job writing it.
@Poppy my research says that since it’s systemic it doesn’t need to be localized and won’t really work localized. So I use an insulin pin and alternate arms each day. More or less into tricep or side of bicep IM injection.

I’m adding weight but it could be any number of things in my diet or water intake in a given day but I’m up 2 pounds today… it has to be recent diet or water intake changes … if it’s not… I’ll know by the time I’m out of it in 16-17 more days
Ok first day of second week.
I’m eating less so I attribute my lifting lack of progress to possibly eating less.
Trying to drop the love handles. They’re more like bumpers than handles at this point.
Yet, I’m up a couple pounds. I can’t say that from the LR3 because my bench was lower than 3 weeks ago. I’ve been using DB and switched to barbell presses so maybe that’s why?

Pain in left arm on wide grip pull-ups came back and some pain in the ulnar nerve area on other arm was very present today.

The biggest issue I can say I have with this stuff is… you can’t tell if it’s doing anything.
Test you feel, and see. I did and it was in the first few days.

I didn’t dose Sunday but I doubled up Monday thinking it may show some signs. Pinned morning and evening.

Maybe next Monday I’ll just do 100mcg all at once when I work out.

Guys that are interested… I’d love to say I got legit stuff and that it works. I’d even be ok with saying it doesn’t work. I just can’t really feel a difference.

Maybe too many variables at play.

I will say, in the chance that it is working
I will take this again, 2 bottles (if I could only get a discount from a supplier rep for this company) hcg and test e. So if it is in fact growing new cells, they will be maximized on a cycle …
I’ll go from 50 mcg for 20 days to maybe 75 for 26 days…
Wish the company that makes and sells it was a vocal as in the past and could discuss the product … but in this climate it’s seems like no one can…
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I believe it supposedly works noticeable and quickly from what I’ve read. But then again it probably not something I would use in deficit. But as I believe stated it one hard to find thereL and that’s usually. I have a trusted go to for everything and even looking at his Lfg I wonder can it be legit at that price
The place I bought it has claimed in podcasts it’s easy to make on a topic based on igf1 lr3
Pretty reputable guy from everything I’ve heard.

With that said it may be noticeable at higher doses. Also I believe the Lr3 version of igf isn’t as intense as just igf which lasts about 20 minutes in the system. Long is supposed to be systemic and last 20-30 hours

Wish we had an authority willing to jump in and dial me in…
Yeah I’m of no help but may give it a go when switching to just bb
Ok here is pretty much the entire experience with just a few doses left.

I got some product from a reputable source according to a number of forums.
It was lr3 long.
started at 50 mcg (reconstituted with AA)
Can’t say I really noticed any effects while lifting. I hear many say they get ridiculous painful pumps. I didn’t. I got pumped but didn’t feel out of the ordinary each time. Some days better than others.
I got one 1mg bottle whisk allowed for 20 days at 50mcg.

I’ve messed with dosing and hit 100mcg and or 75mcg some days.

what physiologic sides I noticed (could be other things) was a bit of sweating before being actually warmed up. Not every workout either.
At 100 i had some heart palpitations and on occasion at 75mcg.

the first couple weeks insaw nothing really except suddenly a drop of about 2-3 pounds

visually I look a little leaner.
I am not cycling with anything else.

i also tried not dosing on weekends and Wednesday. I make up for the moss by increasing the dose on first “on” day to 100 or to 75mcg.

I have only a few doses left at the most
And seem a bit leaner and even eating at a deficit compared to a bulk I have had workouts where I was noticeably stronger and with more energy, but only after on and off day dosing.

has anyone had similar experiences?

I take creatine prior to lifting with iso 100 whey.

I know this isn’t a bulking product but wish you could “feel” it like test…

or even test a drop to see if the stuff you buy is legit.
Any feedback is appreciated.
if your feedback is negative it’s of no value to anyone.
I’m not looking for praise just feedback of anyone taking lr3 long essentially clean to find out what you noticed, felt etc.

i wish we had more current real world data on this product besides a post i found on another forum from 2018
Igf is absolutely a bulking product. That’s it’s purpose is to add mass fast
If I could find any sort or correlating evidence that I have legit stuff, and that my findings may be typical or normal. I’d love to speak to the guy who made it offline but they apparently can’t unless it’s in a blog…?
But to be honest after my appt in March (finally got one) I’ll probably add this to another test e run.

If I was more confident in the product I’d buy 2 bottles and rip 75 mcg per day or 100 mcg only on workout days …
My reason your not getting big bulking results is that your not running grams of gear, hgh, and insulin. It seems that atleast to me that igf-1-lr3 is used by people already at a high level of gear use, and it pushes them just a bit further.
I have never used igf-1-lr3 without anabolics, so i wouldn’t know what it is like solo. Maybe hgh 2-3iu would be better, without the additive affect of anabolics.
Just my 2 cents.
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