I'm wanting to jump on the Tren train


Well-known member
Alright guy, help me out. I’ve never tried Tren before but with all the reviews, I’m wanting to give it a go. My issue is I love Deca. Without it my shoulders kill me. So, my thoughts are 500 Test, 250 Deca and 200 Tren. Now, I’m not one to get sides, if I do it just a sensitive nip and Adex takes care of it. Is it either or, or can I take them together and see how it effects me. BTW, I’m 52 and my staple is Test and Deca and the occasional Anadrol cycle. I’m 5’ 7’’ @200 lbs. and my bench is stuck at 375. I’m hoping this will help me hit the 400 mark. Just a personal goal.
My opinion would be drop the tren and decca and run npp 450mg-600mg but 600mg is a big dose so you would be running a gram of test.
450mg would be your normal 500-600mg testosterone run.

Its only because I don’t like tren but everyone else does and they will have good information for you about it
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Trens good, but so is what @Bigmurph said… you hear a lot about tren, good and bad, @Truckguy sweaty sheets, anger issues, your dick not working or vice-versa,BP issues, insomnia,and I bet half the people get them cause they think their gonna get them… but then again it produces great results,gotta weigh out pros and cons, I would also use Acetate version if you do try it 200-300 week
Or maybe pin 50mg Decca a week for joints, I’ve seen some do 25mg a week just to keep joints lubed up.
They are both nandrolone but they work differently.
Npp will give you the good joint effects and will also quickly start adding strength and gains.

If you were going to run npp I would also say to take mast prop with the cycle so that you can get the trenbolone type of effects.
Nandrolone is mostly Anabolic which means it makes you grow. Trenbolone is Anabolic and androgenic its rating is actually 500/500 which is extremely high on both sides.
I believe considering age weight and experience that test npp mast would be better for you because I believe that tren could spike your bp.
If your bp spikes taking test npp mast you can adjust as needed instead of having to drop the whole cycle.
Do you ever have bp issues on cycle?

If you want to run tren you definitely can its a nor19 just like nandrolone so the only real difference is the amount of androgenic effects in tren that’s why I figured that adding mast would cover the high amount of androgenic balance.

It really does come down to blood pressure and other side effects but you won’t know until you actually run it so give tren a try and if it doesn’t go well you can then use plan B with the npp and mast.
I used tren as a micro dose schedule. I only got the sweats for a short period and liked the results. I’m older so I really worried about the sides. Micro dosing worked for me. I used .3 ml TrenA ED. Usually prior to workout. That dosed me at 210mg a week. I liked it. But like others said. Depends on your age and how you are with the BP.
I dropped deca for tren and my joints feel great! There’s no need to use them both together. I’ve had has dick issues from tren. You recover faster and burn fat quicker, strength goes up. It works so well the negative is you won’t want to stop using it. Even so, 2 months is plenty of time on tren.
Im 47 and ran a 500 mg test c and tren A at 300 mg.a week ran that 8weeks and yes it caused me sides insomnia and night sweats, and bp went up didnt have any isues with anger or dick issues.
I would run
Test 500-1000mg
Npp 300-600
Mast 300-500
Testosterone 500-1000mg
Npp 300-600mg
Proviron 50mg split ed
Testosterone 500-1000mg
Tren ace or hex not sure on dosage I don’t run trenbolone

I just put 500-1000mg because I don’t really know your preference of the amount you like to run you can easily adjust the dosage down if you like low dose
Testosterone 400mg
Npp 300mg
Mast 300mg

I wouldn’t run npp or decca or tren toghther you really don’t have to because they are all nor19 compounds so you will get the benefits you are looking for from any of the 3.

The mast with the nandrolone will give you the missing androgenic balance that comes with the trenbolone already
Yeah a lot of things raise my bp to,I just want people to realize that cause you hear people talk or read about side effects they think their gonna get em, not true all the time, that and I’ve heard people say oh I’m not gettin certain side effects with whatever compound their running and they think it’s fake or underdosed
I did a short cycle of 750 Test, 600 Deca and Proviron. I was almost Narcoleptic, if I sat down I was asleep. Backed down to 500 Test and 300 Deca ,no issues.
@Truckguy- Be careful if you run two 19 nors at the same time. I would run cabergoline if you both at 1 mg weekly to keep prolactin levels on the lower end. I ran both last cycle and caber with no issues at 600 mg deca / 300-400 Tren e. Love deca joints felt great / but you could drop it down to more of a therapeutic dose
50-100 mg and should get the same results for joints issues. Just my two cents.
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I use micro dosing myself . I believe I’d run tren a and npp probably 300 mgs of each .Also run p5p protocol 2 p5p , 2 zinc and 2 vitamin E Ed .

Also get some caber to have on hand . I use aromasin I think it’s better than adex myself .