Inability to gain weight

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EQ, DecaD, NPP, TestE, TestP, Susta, Tbol, Anavar, Mast E/P. Andrew I do not run all this at once brother. Just what I keep in my formulary. Times I also mix in HGH - way expensive and that was to work in conjunction with stem cell injections post medical procedure. But big fat burner and I’ve been on Med- high dose maybe 4 months over last 3 years…
Could be the HGH? It really leans you down if you run it.

Oh but I see you only run it sometimes.
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You know what? not a bad idea. I had T3 which I believe is pretty minimal but can only be normal if rest is within normal range— I. E. TSH etc

My T3 was like 157 ng/dL. But I will get a thyroid panel that’s actually a pretty logical start point.

Daily I get asked what are you doing? How do you stay like that Yada yada yada. Most are fat but trying. Mostly dudes. I tell them the two Ts gotta be right. They say huh testicles? I say yeap you got half - Test but Thyroid is the second half. My last thyroid was probably 18 months ago.

I’m gonna post my meals prepped, me eating and the scale as there are many nonbelievers amongst you pagan barbarians. “Can I get a witness/Amen”

I’m gonna get a thyroid panel. I don’t have any other of the textbook symptoms and no weight loss. I suspect thinking on this a moment it’s likely normal. I’ll post it.
Can’t afford it. I use it to speed recovery. I’m an old guy and get owies easy. It no shit expedites so many reconstructive factors. You heal quick and feel like a million bucks —- but unless your insurance pays that’s about what you pay…

One PED you have to stick with published guidelines for dosage and times of administration. Or you will pay the piper or just be flushing cash. All PEDs use as directed in a safe manner, not just saying this stuff. Wrong time of day it won’t work, too much all kinds of hypertrophy and bone growth occur.
I will. I’m gonna get a thyroid panel and tell him my history. I get a hint of skepticism amongst you hellians. That’s a word ain’t it? Well that’s what our baptist Sunday school teacher called us. Again I’m gonna go through the drill again - gonna show you and gonna give it 10 weeks if I can make it. All joking aside and I might be like one of those chicks who can never be happy with their weight BUT one of you big dudes could give up 15 lbs. it ain’t much…
Hahaha I may be skeptic but more so concerned there’s not something else going on. Your body is eating a lot of cals that it shouldn’t be. And that’s not normal.

Don’t take the skepticism personally. Lots of folks come here making claims that they do xyz and nothing works etc. we are healthy skeptics. Haha and hellian a plenty.
All kidding aside… you may want to be 200. Is there any point? You’re retired. You look great. You feel great? Maybe. I don’t see much of a point of eating 8000 cal at retirement age.
8000 calories seems excessive. May have just been too much food for you body to process. For A bulk I personally would start calories at +500 over maintenance and increase another 500 weekly till you’re were you want to be so your not shocking your body with that insane amount of food. Hope you figure it out tho and can crack that 200 mark bro
Your a medical dude I can only deduct this because it says NeuroRN. I had LOC on more than one occasion. One was from the back of a Military vehicle, fell on my squash—that fall sank my battleship. Others from IEDs and controlled blasts, breaching charges inside-outside buildings. Done neuro pdych testing like two days of it, PET scans and multiple scans of brain. Speech therapy and all sorts of bullshit. Before this COVID I started losing smell —- gone now. You think the olfaction loss is from those injury’s they were like a decade ago. Military really broke me. The testing Uncle Sam said temporal lobe and frontal lobe changes consistent with tbi’s. That’s why I started using gear, self medicating to raise my T and get my brain working positively. Findings were temporal and frontal lobe changes consistent with TBIs. I’ve improved and keep getting stronger man. When started back at it post surgeries I was 149. 185 now which makes me proud you know… it’s just a plateau that I’m stuck at. Curious about my sniffer not working and what’s causing it. I’ll talk to my Doc, stuff I’m gonna bring up I forget to because I’m usually getting knees tapped and they’re screaming… maybe not the place to inquire here but that is a cool call sign…,
Yikes. That’s a lot of shite going on haha

NeuroRN- when I came here I was working neurosurgical ICU. I’m back in the cardiac world but the name sticks and rolls off the tongue haha

I personally wouldn’t kill myself for the added mass. Now, I’m aware that’s easy for me to say. Haha I’ve added mass exactly when i want it and lose it exactly when I want what you can’t get comes into play I’m sure.

The navy really did a number on you. But seeing as pet scan is clean I can say that would have been my next guess for lack of ability to gain on those cals.

If ya hear hooves think hoarse. I think thyroid is an easy place to start.
To be honest I don’t remember what was the reason Behind 200. And to be quite honest I really never ever ever want to eat like that again. The vitamix if you don’t have one is astounding —- great piece of gear. Enables one to eat a ton if that’s their goal.

I. Don’t think wise at my age to use AAS’s the extent I need to gain. I know DBol will do the job but I’ll drop dead.

Really just looking for something magic which could pop up on this site.

Also I have intent to do the PCT versus the Appalachian trail when my wife can cut free from work and a number of 14ks followed by Denali but in the meantime I really enjoy lifting. May sound fruity but I spend 3 hours some days at the gym and don’t think I count a complete set of reps. I take at least 2 chow breaks and supplement with 2 of the gyms protein smoothies mostly because they taste so good. But I smoke my bags there —- I just love the gym

I would be at the gym without gear—- preaching to the choir but gears like converting a car to turbo with nitrous…

I do stick to organized lifts almost always using principles that are founded in weight gaining. So I ain’t a loose cannon all the time.

Sorry for the book. I ain’t been out of bed all day just typing on ugmuscle Just got back from a military reunion. Fun time but memorializing brothers was the purpose. Travel was Chaos…
Logical. Thanks Amigo

Got a long nice break on cruise control. I would cruise with a dab of primo but of all the things on this planet it likes my prostate. Test E alone has been suffucient. Prostate stays normal in size and PSA stays nice and low. It’s weird because Mast doesn’t do anything bad other than ldl.

Another medical question if my total cholesterol is like in 100 is my ldl being higher than HDL all that problematic?
Like i said I’ve been in the rack all day. I’ve spammed the hell out of you. Thanks for the dialogue ——- and the awesome info. Talk to you later NeuroRN
Ideally you want it less than. There’s some evidence showing the balance of HDL to ldl is equally as important as just LDL.
I’ve already accepted I’ll never be happy eihh th my body. I either feel too small or too fat. I think I maybe around 18% at 280 and it’s getting close
To where I think I want to be. But let’s say I stay weight and get to 15%. Why not try and be 300 at 15% and so on. But such is life with body dysmorphia.
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