Injectables - Adrol, Sdrol, or dbol

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My goal is always buking,I’ve tried DBol surprisingly with not much water weight lost after cycle.

Have tried SDrol, but didn’t notice any difference.

Has anyone tried Adrol injectable?

Which of the 3 would you add to a building cycle, on/off of course throughout the cycle?
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I believe that I would use dbol but definitely inj early so it has time to hit the blood.
Just my preference is that sdrol and adrol are to toxic but work very well
When you say inject early, you mean like early in the day? How long do you think it should be injected before a workout?

Daily split 25/25?

Use on off days?
I thought that it was 3hrs but let me check inj pwo at 25mg first and up your dose from there to 30-40mg is all it should take and I use to walk around like king Kong and I wasn’t but that’s how I felt lol
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The inj orals breakdown faster than by mouth, they are usually a better use for PWO. 1.5-3 hours before workout.

Personally, I’d say if your going to run Adrol use the actual pill form. Unless just wanting it pwo.

The liver toxicity is still present so the benefit of the inj is in and out from a pwo standpoint.

A previous sponsor and I had a long discussion about it one night, concluding with all the same health risks being present for both, but having more stable blood levels present with the oral ingestion.

Hope this helps.
Funny you mentioned that, I’ve read a long study how bio availability in orals is almost twice as much as inject. Sure there all gonna tax your liver regardless, but I have just about tried every oral available in inject, and from my experiences i feel I can run inject longer then orals before I get zombie mood. The one oral that I’ll choose over inject any day is Halo though.
Hahaha, the good ol days, to be honest my liver must be made outta steel man cause I definitely put it through the ringer with some shit I used to run back in the day, I’m talking 2-3 orals, tren , and all that other fun stuff lol…
synovex and finaplex ground up and applied with DMSO and applied to legs or put under tongue.(no DMSO) I remember way more guys getting big and strong though. we believed in everything!
Best tren ever imo, I still try looking for finaplex pellets lol, but they don’t make em like they used too, they mix the estradiol in now unlike when they just had a separate pellet in the clip

“The liver toxicity is still present so the benefit of the inj is in and out from a pwo standpoint.“

So I’ve never taken orals, I’ve had prior liver problems (no damage) that we’ve talked about before, but when on DBol inj, my liver enzymes don’t budge. Not a doc, of course, but would that be a sign that there is no or little toxicity to the liver? The test was done mid morning, about 3 hours after injection, along with all my other dailies.

Side question:

Do y’all run DBol on a daily split, or only PWO?

Same question for ADrol
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