Intro! 28, type 1 diabetic, chasing HUGE

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What’s up UG!

Long time reader but new poster here. I posted about Unicorn order but forgot my intro first.

Currently, I’m 28 and have been training hard and heavy for about 6 years now and I’m a type 1 diabetic. And of course I’m still just trying to be huge lol. I competed in early July as a light heavy weight so I’m trying to make it to the top of the heavies for next year!

Hopefully UnicornLabz will help give me the extra push to get there.

Just glad to be here!
Welcome. And congratulations on your first show. Did you have fun?? Glad you mentioned your diabetic. Definitely some guys on here that can help look out for you with that. Looks like ones already on top of it. @Poppy
Oh the first show was a blast — all my pics I’m cheesing hard AF on stage lol and yes I’m always down to learn from other type 1s and maybe help some out if possible!

And if anyone who has a working pancreas uses insulin can def help them as well as most use it incorrectly lol
So I was diagnosed at the age of 24 — def was a shock but haven’t let it stopped me from anything yet! And since I was 2 years into bb’ing already it wasn’t hard to be stricter with food and insulin usage
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