SB Labs

Intro - background. 43y/M/new to gear

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Yes I’ve used alpha they are decent for sure. The place I referenced above is a TRT clinic option.
Is there a generally accepted ‘safe’ and easy way to DIY my own version of HRT?

As a 43/yr male, medium/light build, wondering if I could just start some UGL Test-E… something like 100-150 per 5 or 7 days. Probably taper it up when starting, first 4 weeks or something like that to let my body adapt.
My goal would be to have/feel like someone with 700-1000 test levels fairly consistently, and not have gyno or virilization.

Is there any chance it can be this simple…

Besides getting the stuff to pin Test, is anything else absolutely required?
I’m going to say this and it’s not the popular opinion. Trt clinics are best… real doctors and real scripted gear. BUT im also an advocate of doing your own trt BUT BUT BUT you’ve got to be extremely knowledgeable about your body and get regular labs and learn to interpret them. BUT BUT BUT things can go sideways quickly…this is your health and thats paramount.

I can’t tell you to get gear and syringes off the net and start pinning. This is complicated dangerous stuff. BUT BUT BUT you have free will and can do as you please.

I probably didn’t answer your question. I’m real sure not many folks are going to tell you not to see a doctor and not to get labs.
Not being a jerk. Your introducing a foreign substance into your body that’s going to alter your hormones…that literally can kill you and/or make you miserable on the way to a possible death.

I’m living it brother. I’ve got so many other health problems that even lady var sent my health sideways.
oh. I guess i was thinking there must be a sort of simple and safe way that people start, ie just HRT, since it looks like so many 18-30yr olds are on gear meaning TRT with blasting and AAS, and I just presumed that they wouldn’t be getting bloodwork do to an invicibility mindset.
So I guess i hoped that with all those guinea pigs, a simple HRT idea would be figured out and tried and true by now.
There’s a lot of young men walking around completely fubar.

Here’s my best answer. Get a comprehensive blood panel including hormones.

Study it and determine if you have anything that needs addressing.

Get your gear and syringes. Start at 75mg c or e e3d.

Get labs again 2-3 months

Study them.

Get labs every 6 months afterwards.

There’s no safe way to do it outside of professional care but that’s a basic protocol without a doc. It’s conservative.
This stuff is so individualized…as you can imagine the difference between individual humans.

Knowledge is the key along with knowing how your body is going to react. You have to be willing to pull the plug and/or make immediate changes.

I get blood labs for one reason or another every bit of 6 times a year. You’d be surprised how something can go caddywhompus in just a couple of months.
Welcome and if they are members here and not getting bloodwork shame on them even my half cargo. About health ass does
There’s no blanket HRT formula because literally every single person responds differently to every medication.

Lab work must still be done regularly. What works for me may not even come close to working for you.

Go to an HRT clinic. They will provide knowledge and safety that you cannot provide for yourself.
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