Introduction First time post


Sup crew! About me… I’m 40 years old and the more I say that the more real it’s becoming :confused: I’ve been training since high school although it’s been sporadic a few times over the years until until I realized I’m not getting any younger about 8 years ago and started getting serious. I started gear about 6 years ago and was paying out the ass until I found someone that had a great source online that I’ve been using for the last 5 years. I usually stay on for about 3 months at a time then cruise although I come off completely here and there with HCG/Nova (which I keep on stock at all times). I’ve alwasy had a tough time not gaining strength or definition, but raw weight. My biggest goal is to break this 165 lb barrier and hopefully keep going. At only 5’6" though 180+lb would be huge and that’s alwasy been my first goal. My biggest issue is my long work hours and trying to get the proper diet for my ridiculous metabolism. What prompted me to find this forum was when kodiak and sister site went down this time I’ve been in a mad search for a third source that’s as reliable as she has been for me through the years, and now that I’ve been reading through here for the last week, there is allot of great info on here and yall seem extremely helpful and knowledgable. So, I may be asking a few question here and there specially with trying new mixes and doses I been wanted to try for some time now. Generally i just run test E or C at 500mg/wk (+/-) and tried deca for a while (which was hell to recover from) and a few other small things along the way. Btw, I’ve tried many weight gainers they seem to run right through me, so I try to stick mostly to foods for a main protien source, and have BPI creatine on auto-order from Amazon. I was thinking about trying SRX labs that I seen on here for a trial order though I guess I’m going to have to learn how to use bitcoins since it seems to be evolving to that lately.
Btw, the name I used comes from a game tag I been using for decades, so I’m well used to answering to Gotti.
I’m always open to any suggestions especially if anyone has any experience with not being able to put on an oz of fat if they tried and can’t keep up on such a high calorie intake with limited time throughout the day to eat meals. In usually at work from 6am ti 6pm with a 20 min lunch at noon.
Thanks and hope this was an informative enough intro about myself.
I wanted to say welcome to ugm and that I will respond tomorrow because I used to be in roofing and water proofing basically just cooking on a roof with carcinogens all over my gloves and such so it was hard to take breaks and eat ive got some tricks I can tell you about that will keep you going. We have other members that are in the same position so you will definitely be able to get some help here.
Have a good night brother I will hit you back tomorrow if I don’t because I always have a ton of shit to do for the site just tag me @Bigmurph and I will jump in.
My metabolism is always in a race also, but it really does help I think help me achieve solid, permanent muscle, I eat many small meals throughout the day, but not make myself miserable while stuffing my face, I use to make myself miserable eating so much, but why this (to me) is a hobby… at the same time, I want to look good, and the key is your diet. Also solid lean gains are better then temporary water weight. I am working with my body not against it anymore. I can’t explain anything that great, but in the past 4 yrs, at any given time I’m 20+ lbs or more heavier then I was at my starting point (165) and it’s been slow and steady. There are a few guys who I’m sure will chime in to help out.
Thank you thank you! Right now I’m on my way home, my last reply was on my way there this morning. This is my biggest challenge is GOOD colorie intake in that time frame, well… besides leg days cause I’m on my feet for 12+ hrs and my phone says I walk about 5 to 8 miles a day lol. You would think that would exempt leg day ut it don’t, but I think it’s what keeps me at low body fat with limited cardio.