Introduction for Tdaddy1

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Thanks for the words of wisdom guys, sorry for not giving a formal introduction in all honesty this is my first time on a form I wish I could’ve found this place sooner, but I’m 21yrs of age and have recently started using steroids. Such as Test e, and tren for about two months. My typical dose is 300 test an 150 tren An the gains are honestly are ridiculous. I have been using Arimidex for estrogen control I was using nolvadex until I found out it’s more for pct. other than that it really is great to have more experienced people I can talk to an get knowledge from.
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Good morning sir.

Welcome to UGM

I moved your whole thread to introduction and deleted your first post.

I have to ask… why a cycle at your age?

What/who’s guidance are you following?

Have you had labs done… prior to your cycle?

How tall… weight? Goals?
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How recent? How far are you into this?

Just reread your post…8 weeks in… right?
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Welcome to UGM! Blood work and proper PCT are very important unless you want to be on hormone replacement the rest of your life. Use the magnifying glass to search for stuff and feel free to ask questions.
@Tdaddy1 You got brother @JLee on the thread.

He is an expert on pcting himself back to producing his own test.

I would highly encourage you to reach out to him and the everyone else on the subject… under the appropriate category.
I guess why I’m cycling is honestly a selfish reason. Growing up I was always small, but ripped due to football. After I graduated 18yrs old I sat about 5”7 125lbs I know Yeesh right? I met a friend well more like a mentor who was into bodybuilding real great guy around 26yrs old. I asked him a little bit on what he was using how long has he been using for things like that. He was very knowledgeable in all this guy was literally in school to become a doctor. Rest his soul he passed away from an OD from an addiction he was hiding from his loved ones.
Two years go by and I was able to add on 20lbs of somewhat lean natty muscle I was proud of myself more than ever. 2021 rolls around, and a friend who was also an acquaintance of the guy who passed actually reintroduced me to steroids who have used them himself for about 2yrs at this point, and I should have got lab work from the get go when started off. It was just 200 of test for the first 3 weeks then I was introduced into tren, and as of today I’m sitting at 5”9 175lbs my diet hasn’t been the most strick I won’t lie, but my goal is to be a shredded 185lbs I was think reach 190lbs then cut down to 185.

Currently have been running about 250test and 150if tren for 5 weeks steady now. I love the work, and I most definitely love the results. I have come into an issue of waking up drained recently with mild headaches idk if this is due to waking up in a pool of sweat and not hydrating properly or what lol.
This is my story so far though! Much love for the great welcoming
Your first cycle if not first 2 should be test only. This will allow you to get a good feel of your body reacts to test. The reason for the blood work is to see where your test level started and the at the end to find out how well your PCT work. Bloods in the middle are to check to see if what E2 and stuff are at. I question your friends knowledge only because of the recommendation of tren. Have you had a chance to look up the standard PCT protocol yet?
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Yeahhhhh this probably a bad idea. First, you’re an adult and you get to make your own choices. I’m coming from a place of health and harm reduction. Get off tren. ASAP. 19 nor compounds (which tren is) will shut your natural production down for quite a bit of time. Typically I wouldn’t recommend them if you’re considering having kids.

I would kick the tren. Run 250 of test e for 6 more weeks. Pct. get off. Stay off. You’re 21. You gained 10lbs a year naturally. That’s insane gains even on gear. Eat big, eat clean, train hard and hop back on in a few years.
Honestly man mentally I have not been so cloudy in my life, and quick to get frustrated over the simplest things that I can’t control lol. Idk if I could even find anything to help with that? I personally may want kids one day, but I don’t want one of your typical tren horror stories to happen to me about my girlfriend leaving me cause I fu*ked her sister or god knows
Honestly going to run gear from 3 months at a time, and add in at least a 4 month break. Honestly I’ll probably run it until 23 just to see physically where I can take my body.
I have not, but I have been using Arimedex- Anastrozle every 5 days to prevent any gyno flare ups. Which I have had it mildly since puberty, but I do have 25mg of Novadex which I was going to use once I end my cycle to keep my natural test levels from depleting. Is this a decent plan? Or should I switch up anything?
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