Introduction- Sretch22

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What’s up fellas? Brand new on here. Have been lurking for a bit and figured fuck it I’ll create an account so I can get the most out of it!

I’m 30 years old- Trained muaythai for years, and have lifted on and off for the past 10. I ran my first and only cycle when I was 25 with the primary goal of gaining weight/asthetic looks. I ran test E at 500mg/ week, felt amazing, gained some weight and strength, and overall though i didnt keep all the gains it definitely changed my overall posture/structure forever which is awesome.

Hindsights 20/20 though and after researching a ton over the past view months i realized i missed out on a lot of gains by really not knowing shit. Never ran an AI, no HCG, and didn’t have my diet dialed in.Weeding through reddit is fuckin brutal and I figure you guys have a lot more knowledge than I’ll ever find on there.

Planning a cycle now, just got my bloods taken from my PCP prior to COVID19 as a baseline.

Look forward to getting to know you guys and appreciate being a part of UG muscle!

Welcome to ugmuscle brother glad to have you around I look forward to hearing about what you are looking to run and your diet. Alot of good guys here and everyone is here to help.
You can post your bloodwork after a while of reading and posting. You could even start a log if its something that you might be interested in doing.
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