What’s up fellas? Brand new on here. Have been lurking for a bit and figured fuck it I’ll create an account so I can get the most out of it!
I’m 30 years old- Trained muaythai for years, and have lifted on and off for the past 10. I ran my first and only cycle when I was 25 with the primary goal of gaining weight/asthetic looks. I ran test E at 500mg/ week, felt amazing, gained some weight and strength, and overall though i didnt keep all the gains it definitely changed my overall posture/structure forever which is awesome.
Hindsights 20/20 though and after researching a ton over the past view months i realized i missed out on a lot of gains by really not knowing shit. Never ran an AI, no HCG, and didn’t have my diet dialed in.Weeding through reddit is fuckin brutal and I figure you guys have a lot more knowledge than I’ll ever find on there.
Planning a cycle now, just got my bloods taken from my PCP prior to COVID19 as a baseline.
Look forward to getting to know you guys and appreciate being a part of UG muscle!
I’m 30 years old- Trained muaythai for years, and have lifted on and off for the past 10. I ran my first and only cycle when I was 25 with the primary goal of gaining weight/asthetic looks. I ran test E at 500mg/ week, felt amazing, gained some weight and strength, and overall though i didnt keep all the gains it definitely changed my overall posture/structure forever which is awesome.
Hindsights 20/20 though and after researching a ton over the past view months i realized i missed out on a lot of gains by really not knowing shit. Never ran an AI, no HCG, and didn’t have my diet dialed in.Weeding through reddit is fuckin brutal and I figure you guys have a lot more knowledge than I’ll ever find on there.
Planning a cycle now, just got my bloods taken from my PCP prior to COVID19 as a baseline.
Look forward to getting to know you guys and appreciate being a part of UG muscle!