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Is Covid19 a weaponized version of the coronavirus

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So ever since this virus was in Wuhan province I said to myself that the reaction of the Chinese government was serious. I believed since the beginning that they allowed a bio chem weapon to escape from 1 of the 2 bio chem labs they have in wuhan province. Just research I don’t believe so in my opinion.
This would be a perfect bio weapon to use it infects the world but doesn’t kill children. I know that some have but china would see that as caladereral damage in a WW3 It takes out fighting age men and seniors and spread around almost the entire world in less than a month. Including ships that were at sea? How does that happen.
I would love to keep writing because I have been looking into this and there’s so much proof.
One more thing were the Chinese government made a mistake there were 3 direct flights from wuhan city in wuhan province into northern Italy and we all know what happened there???

This is really sketchy and im worried that when this clears up if our government knows that china is lying could be ww3.

Let’s pray it doesn’t go down that route
I’m not sure Comrade Putin Would allow POTUS Trump to nuke China… I like to look a little deeper into either the bilderberg society or even skull and crossbones possibly instilling their NWO! Especially now that trump has announced we’ll be mining the moon, a one world government going forward would allow for EVERYONE to prosper from the exploration and mining of space.
Putin is actually really pissed at China right now because they traced almost every infection back to the river boarder entrance from China meaning there wouldn’t be Corona in Russia if that boarder was closed but the Chinese govt said not to worry.
Even Putin was exposed to Corona but they say that he didn’t contract it the whole nuclear thing is always just a last resort scorched earth which I don’t see happening unless they can prove this to be intentional which I don’t believe it was the nwo im not a believer but I do know for sure just as poor people join up in gangs for protection or whatever rich people do the same just for different reasons like protecting there money.
The society’s you name are just the little ones because the real rich societies will never allow themselves to be known.
Very true. I love reading about all the secret societies. I fully beleive the Illuminati are the remnants of the Knights Templar. I had an uncle that was a stone mason, and know a few Masons around here. All the Masonic stuff fascinates me, and it always makes me wonder just how much influence do those people have on what happens in the world.
Why don’t you join the masons if your uncle is already a member he can sponsor you and if I could become part of one of those groups I would join you get connected across the world.
He lived in Arizona, passed away almost 11 years ago. I know some Masons around here, but being 40 I’m not sure thats a path I want to walk down now. If I could go back 20 years, maybe
There’s About an hour long, investigative journalist documentary done by epoch times on the origin of the Coronavirus. It’s essentially saying the same thing. I don’t think I can post the link but it worth searching for. As always, be skeptical and question everything. @Bigmurph I think you are definitely on the right track. As an ICU nurse, we all thought none of it added up from the start. Glad to know others are thinking it too.
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