Breakfast is eggs longonisa garlic rice. Sciatic is finally feeling better. Maybe 80 percent. Will be first time back in gym since before Christmas. Tried once before Christmas and anything I did seemed to Agra ate it. Weird how much we use our hips for any movements. Was hard to even isolate. Belt squat machine should be arrived any day it was in transit two days ago. Sucks won’t be able to push limits on it right away am gonna have to be smart about it cause I’ve been waiting along time for it and my ego is gonna wanna go go go!!!
Weight is 235. Was 232 after transformation contest have lost some gains for sure but not much. Am fairly happy with where I am at being injury’s usually set me way back cause I gets depressed and eat and drink a lot. Tried following @NeuroRN advice about being more disciplined off cycle
No lifting today. Just waking up and have some snow to clear before work. Breakfast was oatmeal with peanut butter. A cup of egg whites and some coffee.
I know I’m a few years older than you but screw shovelling snow…that sucks. Bought a snowblower when I was in my 30s and will never not own one unless I move out of New England
Ha ha,I almost bought one two days ago,but didn’t feel like paying 600 for something I know I am 100% capable of doin,but I’ve been really close a few times
Since I’m negative I may try and get in gym tomorrow I’ve been sleeping so much that I strained my neck and can’t turn left if it’s not one thing it’s another but I can breathe again so I’ll take it
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