January 16 diet training

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Gonna start this thread today

After 60 hour fast had two extra large duck eggs and three longonisa and a cup garlic rice. Stomache feels extra super full. I usually can eat three times that if I want. Prolly fall
Asleep during church now lol.

No training for me today. Trained all week. Gonna sit my ass on couch and watch football all day
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Got the rogue belt squat machine friday. 600 pounds. Came on a semi and no forklift lol. Unpacked on back of semi. At friends barn. He tried putting it together but they sent wrong instructions. Ughh.

That’s a pretty big premiere company in the industry. I’ll bet their customer service will get you straight quick.
I thought so.

Not sure if it’s on my pain in the butt list of “diabetic friendly” foods though.
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I can’t eat just cottage cheese so I eat them with a couple of triscutts. Roasted Garlic ones to be specific
Breakfast was waffles,strawberries,protein shake,water,coffee.Didnt eat lunch yet.not lifing today most likely.
Nothing yet bout to weight myself then eat cereal girl made cake and cupcakes. She doesn’t understand weight loss
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