Juicing, God, Recovery

My personally, if you’re in recovery I’d avoid using AAS. Prioritize, sounds like the more important path is to focus on your recovery and spirituality. AAS isn’t physically addictive, but even I find my self having some “addiction” tendencies towards it and I don’t know you personally but don’t want anything to trigger a relapse for whatever you have going on. Also, AAS use can be a mental roller coaster at times depending on compounds and hormone fluctuations. Just my two cents.
I’m in recovery as are many here I would say I use the gym as a tool in my recovery but don’t think of aas as replacement drug. Cause I will be off cycle and that I I’ll be no excuse to use again. I work hard for my gains and the life I’m starting to life and I’ll be damned if I let troubles from past take it all away again. I will add I’m a non believer in god so I trust in myself not a higher power to do what is right. If I succeed I succeed I fail I fail it is me and nothing else
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Thanks brothers. I’ve been on trt for 3 year’s, work an active program of recovery, am open with my fellows about my usage. Had 8 years continuous sobriety at one point and turned my back on God and AA and guess what, I went back out. Took me 6 years to come back, but for the grace of God I’m back. I agree with you pnw about addictive behaviors such as hiding my finances used towards my gear from my significant other at times. Also agree with the emotional jags. Let me be more specific with my question. Are we technically sober while using aas or is it more of a personal conviction? I’ve made my decision and realize I need to be very cognizant of my thoughts, attitudes and behaviors. God, AA, sobriety, family. Love you guy’s and am highly comfortable saying so. Grateful for you all and your input. Thank you :v:t4::pray:t4::muscle:t4:
One could say if you use caffeine you aren’t complete sober as it’s a kind altering compound. So I think if you feel using is starting to negatively Affext any aspect of your life then I would stop. I personally hide nothing I do from anybody. But I know like today I’ve used Mtren as pwo and I feel like I could do things in wood by without it. So that in sense is a high. But it’s not a high that I would go chasing. Just something I use as tool in my lifting journey.
Hey brother, welcome. I’m also in recovery. I’ve got three years clean and 9 sober. It’s been an interesting journey. Glad to see some guys who are actively working a program and are working out living a healthy life style.

I don’t have any issues with being triggered but the increase in hormones definitely gives me some emotional mood swings, a little more aggressive then usual, can definitely be straining on my attitude and perspective and the people around me but I just have to check myself.

Aas is not a narcotic, it is not alcohol. Is it mind or mood altering,can be at least as far as the mood goes but I don’t think it’s the feeling we seek when we use.

I asked another addict and he said if its just testosterone, that’s naturally occurring in our bodies it ain’t meth lol good point.
Anabolic steroids, also known more properly as anabolic–androgenic steroids (AAS), are steroidal androgens that include natural androgens like testosterone as well as synthetic androgens that are structurally related and have similar effects to testosterone
I have no addiction history personally, my family is full of addicts, my job is full of forced sobriety for addicts, and I say that to provide perspective for what I have to say:

If it requires you to justify your actions to yourself, “it’s not meth” “it’s mood altering, but I’m not chasing xyz so it’s fine” or whatever it is… is it worth it? Your recovery has come this far? What’s the use of taking baby steps toward justifying your actions?
66 days today. That being said we only have today. A one day reprieve from alcoholism/addiction contingent upon our spiritual condition. Much can be learned from the person sober for 24 hours just as much from the person with 30+ years. I know a lot of people with lengthy sobriety that are still just as sick as the day they walked into the rooms. Quality not quantity. AA is the only solution that I have personally found that awards me continuous sobriety. As soon as I take the wheel off of my higher power and into my own hands I have a tendency to hit every tree, sign post, guard rail, and pedestrian on my way over the cliff. Went to my first rehab at the age of 16 and am now 40. You can always reach out to me Rusty. Trust God, Clean House, help others.
Right on brother. And if your sober for twenty years and fall you don’t lose those twenty years. Just a minor setback. That’s why I hate those coins. Gotta turn In Your ten year coin like you lost it or something. I’ve recently found that stopping being a people pleaser and not putting stock into what folks think about me has helped me live more peacefully. Just doing what’s right before God as much as possible and not worrying about the rest has given me peace
For me and AAS. Keeping close tabs on my female hormones has been very important to keeping me from getting edgy. When I get edgy I wanna drink. Also gym time makes me feel like dancing so that helps a lot too. Think it’s the saratonin release