July 18th edition of diets and bodybuilding

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Staff member
Ok @Rusty I gave you ample time,and you were on here with a post already so there’s that.
Good afternoon all.Breakfast was 4 HB eggs no yolk,1 Chobani,1 plain bagel,grapes,water.
Lunch 2 turkey burgers,cheese, lett, tomato and hot sauce.just finished bis and tris.Its fuckin hot and humid only worked half day,my dad’s still out from his carpel tunnel surgery so I worked alone.Not sure what I’m doin rest of the day.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
1st meal was two steak biscuits with a biscuit and gravy. 2nd meal was P3 and chocolate milk. 3rd meal was 4 drumsticks and mashed potatoes. 4th is a mass gainer shake. Chest, Triceps, and Shoulders for a good Push day.
What happened last night,I thought you’d like my stranger things story,I could a sworn you watched it…
I’ve been going back through stuff on EQ, Npp, and Primo. Was going to add Npp or Primo to my next cycle but my first run was with a sponsor that’s been gone a while and I’m pretty positive it was way underdosed. So I’m thinking of giving it a run by itself again.
Love love love NPP. Not any experience with primo. NPP gives good gains and feel great on joints and attitude. Gains will all depend of course on diet like anything else. Have done both shitty diet and good diet with NPP. Shitty diet availed not much. Just a bit leaner believe it or not. Edit. Just remembered a cycle with EQ. Helps hunger for me. But I really didn’t recognize a difference in gains but did notice a weird attitude and unpleasant dreams.
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What’s pip also I just don’t think I’ll ever run primo as it’s expensive and fake usually
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